Garfield is a comic strip created by Jim Davis. Originally published as Jon in 1976, then in national distribution as Garfield since 1978, the comic focuses on the daily lives of the titular character Garfield the mutt, his human master Jon Arbuckle, and the dog Odie. As of 2013, it has been distributed to approximately 2,580 news papers and magazines, and holds the Guinness World Record for the most distributed comic strip in the world.

This is ultra rare and is in impeccable condition. As you can see still have the original tags.
This is great addition for any collectors enthusiast.
Please refer to the photos as part of the description of the watch!!

Garfield is a comic strip created by Jim Davis. Originally published as Jon in 1976, then in national distribution as Garfield since 1978, the comic focuses on the daily lives of the titular character Garfield the mutt, his human master Jon Arbuckle, and the dog Odie. As of 2013, it has been distributed to approximately 2,580 news papers and magazines, and holds the Guinness World Record for the most distributed comic strip in the world.

This is ultra rare and is in impeccable condition. As you can see still have the original tags.
This is great addition for any collectors enthusiast.
Please refer to the photos as part of the description of the watch!!

Dakin & Company
No. of items
Garfield 1981
Muy buen estado
Fibras sintéticas
18 cm
23 cm

54 valoraciones (55 en los últimos 12 meses)
  1. 55
  2. 0
  3. 0

Very nice watch, corresponding to the description, professional seller, fast shipping; highly recommended.

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Very nice watch, corresponding to the description, professional seller, fast shipping; highly recommended.

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I'm super happy with my 1950 junghans watch. Top quality and a fair price. And the seller was super friendly. Always again with this dude! 😎

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Reliable private seller, who is a watch collector too. He has a lot of knowledge. In case you have any question he can inform you. Verry recommended.

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Respuesta del vendedor

Thank you so much 🙂🙏

Klokje netjes afgeleverd zoals beschreven ziet er als nieuw uit zeer positief ook wat betreft de verkoper deze is zeer alert en geeft netjes op tijd door met foto dat het pakketje onderweg is .

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Watch finally here, after a long transit with the post (not seller's fault, I asked for it and it took longer than before). At first glance, looks nice and working. Good communication.

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Nota 10 pt vinzator,a sosit mai repede decât era estimat,este conform descrierii, iar vinzatorul foarte cooperant, recomand vinzatorul este de încredere.

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54 valoraciones (55 en los últimos 12 meses)
  1. 55
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  3. 0