Second édition in-quarto " of this valuable and beautiful record of garden flower varieties from the early 18th century". L'originale in-folio est parue en 1730 et ensuite en 1732 au format in-4.
Notre exemplaire de l'édition de 1734 comprend bien les 12 remarquables planches coloriées à l'époque gravées sur cuivre par James Smith d'après Pieter Casteels. Manque le frontispice gravé.
Cette édition est augmentée de " A flower-garden for gentlemen and ladies..."

Volume bien relié dans une reliure de l'époque en plein veau havane glacé, triple filet sur les plats, dos à nerfs orné d'un élégant décor aux fers dorés.
Manque un fragment de la coiffe de tête, coins émoussés. Importante mouillure, papier fané avec manques des pages des premiers trois cahiers, ensuite principalement dans les marges, les couleurs de 5 des 12 planches altérées ( voir photos).

"The plates are the same compositions as Furber's Twelve Months of Flowers re-engraved on a smaller scale: on each plate the individual plants are numbered and identified in the table at the foot of each plate, the letterpress text then gives some more information about each plant, together with instructions about their cultivation. The text is thought to be by Richard Bradley. Apart from the beauty of the plates, this work is also valuable as a contemporary record of varieties that have vanished from cultivation."

AUTEUR : Robert Furber / Richard Bradley / Smith
TITRE : The flower-Garden display'd : in above four hundred curious representations of the most beautiful flowers; Regularly dispos'd in the respective Months of their Blossom, Curiously engrav'd on copper-plates from the designs of Mr. Furber, and Others, and coloured to the life. With the description and history of each plant, and the method of their culture; whether in Stoves, Green-Houses, Hot Beds, Glass-Cases, Open Borders, or against Walls. Very useful, Not only for the Curious in Gardening, but the Prints likewise for Painters, Carvers, Japaners, etc. also for the Ladies, as Patterns for Working, and Painting in Water-Colours, or Furniture for the Closet. The second edition. To which is added, A flower-garden for gentlemen and ladies; The Art of raising Flowers without any Trouble, to blow in full Perfection in the Depth of Winter, in a Bed-Chamber, Closet, or Dinning-Room. also, the method of raising salleting, Cucumbers, Melons, etc. at any Time in the Year. as it is now practised by Sir Thomas More, Bart
EDITION : London printed for R. Montagu, at the Corner of Great Queen-Street, near Drury-Lane; J. Brindley, at the King's Arms, New-Bond-Street; and C. Corbett, at Addison's Head, without Temple-Bar, 1734
Vol. in-4 de [4/6],139,[1] pages +12 /13 planches

El vendedor y su historia

Buscamos libros antiguos para nuestros clientes bibliófilos. Actualmente tenemos una fuerte demanda en la web. Los retiros en sitio son únicamente de LUNES A VIERNES, de 9 a 16 hs. Librería Passage - Librería Gribaudo Vandamme 48-62 Pasaje Jouffroy - 75009 París
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Second édition in-quarto " of this valuable and beautiful record of garden flower varieties from the early 18th century". L'originale in-folio est parue en 1730 et ensuite en 1732 au format in-4.
Notre exemplaire de l'édition de 1734 comprend bien les 12 remarquables planches coloriées à l'époque gravées sur cuivre par James Smith d'après Pieter Casteels. Manque le frontispice gravé.
Cette édition est augmentée de " A flower-garden for gentlemen and ladies..."

Volume bien relié dans une reliure de l'époque en plein veau havane glacé, triple filet sur les plats, dos à nerfs orné d'un élégant décor aux fers dorés.
Manque un fragment de la coiffe de tête, coins émoussés. Importante mouillure, papier fané avec manques des pages des premiers trois cahiers, ensuite principalement dans les marges, les couleurs de 5 des 12 planches altérées ( voir photos).

"The plates are the same compositions as Furber's Twelve Months of Flowers re-engraved on a smaller scale: on each plate the individual plants are numbered and identified in the table at the foot of each plate, the letterpress text then gives some more information about each plant, together with instructions about their cultivation. The text is thought to be by Richard Bradley. Apart from the beauty of the plates, this work is also valuable as a contemporary record of varieties that have vanished from cultivation."

AUTEUR : Robert Furber / Richard Bradley / Smith
TITRE : The flower-Garden display'd : in above four hundred curious representations of the most beautiful flowers; Regularly dispos'd in the respective Months of their Blossom, Curiously engrav'd on copper-plates from the designs of Mr. Furber, and Others, and coloured to the life. With the description and history of each plant, and the method of their culture; whether in Stoves, Green-Houses, Hot Beds, Glass-Cases, Open Borders, or against Walls. Very useful, Not only for the Curious in Gardening, but the Prints likewise for Painters, Carvers, Japaners, etc. also for the Ladies, as Patterns for Working, and Painting in Water-Colours, or Furniture for the Closet. The second edition. To which is added, A flower-garden for gentlemen and ladies; The Art of raising Flowers without any Trouble, to blow in full Perfection in the Depth of Winter, in a Bed-Chamber, Closet, or Dinning-Room. also, the method of raising salleting, Cucumbers, Melons, etc. at any Time in the Year. as it is now practised by Sir Thomas More, Bart
EDITION : London printed for R. Montagu, at the Corner of Great Queen-Street, near Drury-Lane; J. Brindley, at the King's Arms, New-Bond-Street; and C. Corbett, at Addison's Head, without Temple-Bar, 1734
Vol. in-4 de [4/6],139,[1] pages +12 /13 planches

El vendedor y su historia

Buscamos libros antiguos para nuestros clientes bibliófilos. Actualmente tenemos una fuerte demanda en la web. Los retiros en sitio son únicamente de LUNES A VIERNES, de 9 a 16 hs. Librería Passage - Librería Gribaudo Vandamme 48-62 Pasaje Jouffroy - 75009 París
Traducido por el Traductor de Google
Número de libros
Botánica, Libros ilustrados
Título del libro
The flower-Garden display'd : in above four hundred of the most beautiful flowers [12 planches
Autor/ Ilustrador
Robert Furber / Richard Bradley / Pieter Casteels & James Smith
Año de publicación artículo más antiguo
25 cm
20 cm
Lengua original
Ilustraciones coloreadas a mano
Número de páginas

8061 valoraciones (2085 en los últimos 12 meses)
  1. 2034
  2. 33
  3. 18

Bonne reception fidele a son descriptif.Tres bien .

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Always a pleasure to buy from this bookseller.

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The unbiassed description of this book nearly made me underestimate its worth. Glad I bought it. It will surely not be the last purchase from this seller.

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Objet conforme aux photos. Bien emballé. Merci !

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parfiat exemplaire, transaction idéale

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Bien reçu, dans colis parfaitement sécurisé. Manquait l'info sur la restauration de l'ouvrage.

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La taille ne correspondait pas à la realité. L'annonce indiquait que le livre mesurait 13cm x 17cm, mais il ne mesurait que 12,8cm x 6,5 cm! Un petit livre au contraire de ce qui était annoncé!

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parfait, encore et toujours

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Excellent achat ! Livraison en parfait état. Je recommande vivement ce vendeur

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Nice item. Fast shipping. Good packing.

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8061 valoraciones (2085 en los últimos 12 meses)
  1. 2034
  2. 33
  3. 18

Bonne reception fidele a son descriptif.Tres bien .

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