This artwork has been made after the original work of art "Bird in Space" by Constantin Brancusi. Bird in Space" is a series of abstract sculptures depicting a streamlined, elongated form suggesting a bird in flight. The sculptures embody a sense of movement, grace, and the essence of flight rather than a literal representation of a bird. The forms are simplified and streamlined, capturing the essence of the bird's motion and energy.

Valeriu Cazacevschi is an Irish sculptor and painter. His works represent a profound and thought-provoking exploration of the human condition.
His works of art have been exhibited at the Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin; National College of Art and Design, Dublin; Ottovolarte, Florence, Italy, and many other places.
More information about the artist can be found on Instagram Instagram @valeriuarts/
Facebook @Cazacevschi website@

The sculpture is made out of wood, on a wooden base.

Size: 75cm/18cm/16 cm

This artwork has been made after the original work of art "Bird in Space" by Constantin Brancusi. Bird in Space" is a series of abstract sculptures depicting a streamlined, elongated form suggesting a bird in flight. The sculptures embody a sense of movement, grace, and the essence of flight rather than a literal representation of a bird. The forms are simplified and streamlined, capturing the essence of the bird's motion and energy.

Valeriu Cazacevschi is an Irish sculptor and painter. His works represent a profound and thought-provoking exploration of the human condition.
His works of art have been exhibited at the Royal Hibernian Academy, Dublin; National College of Art and Design, Dublin; Ottovolarte, Florence, Italy, and many other places.
More information about the artist can be found on Instagram Instagram @valeriuarts/
Facebook @Cazacevschi website@

The sculpture is made out of wood, on a wooden base.

Size: 75cm/18cm/16 cm

Valeriu Cazacevschi
Título de la obra
Bird in space after Brancusi
Certificado de autenticidad, Firmado a mano
En excelente estado
Dimensiones totales
75×18×16 cm
2,3 kg

14 valoraciones (1 en los últimos 12 meses)
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14 valoraciones (1 en los últimos 12 meses)
  1. 1
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