Series of 7 photographs taken by the artist in Naples, at the archaeological site of Terme di Mercurio, Baia, then printed and painted by the artist.

Unique pieces.

About the artist:
Ludovica Bastianini, 1986, graduated in History of Art in Naples and studied photography and visual art at the Idep Institute, in Barcelona (2011) and at the New Academy of Fine Arts - NABA, in Milan (2015) .

In 2017 she was selected among the emerging talents of Circulation(s) - Festival de la Jeune Photographie Européenne, on show at the Centquatre - Paris. Since then her works have been exhibited, selected or shortlisted by numerous festivals and prizes dedicated to emerging photographers: Grand Prix Images Vevey (shortlist), Life Framer, Photogrvphy Grant, Tabò Prize - Festival Fotoleggendo Roma, Athens Photo Festival, Les Rencontres d'Arles - Voies Off, Belfast Photo Festival, etc.

Her work collaborations include names such as Albatros Energy, Schindler Elevators, Rotary Club International, Tanztheatre Wuppertal (Pina Bausch). Her publications include: Donna Moderna, Srf Switzerland, Arte Journal (TV), Grazia France, Il Fotografo, L’Espresso.

Ludovica combines the language of photography with mixed techniques such as painting, sewing, collage, children's illustration, animation. Her research focuses on the direct manipulation of images and how this practice can act on our perception of reality. 

Series of 7 photographs taken by the artist in Naples, at the archaeological site of Terme di Mercurio, Baia, then printed and painted by the artist.

Unique pieces.

About the artist:
Ludovica Bastianini, 1986, graduated in History of Art in Naples and studied photography and visual art at the Idep Institute, in Barcelona (2011) and at the New Academy of Fine Arts - NABA, in Milan (2015) .

In 2017 she was selected among the emerging talents of Circulation(s) - Festival de la Jeune Photographie Européenne, on show at the Centquatre - Paris. Since then her works have been exhibited, selected or shortlisted by numerous festivals and prizes dedicated to emerging photographers: Grand Prix Images Vevey (shortlist), Life Framer, Photogrvphy Grant, Tabò Prize - Festival Fotoleggendo Roma, Athens Photo Festival, Les Rencontres d'Arles - Voies Off, Belfast Photo Festival, etc.

Her work collaborations include names such as Albatros Energy, Schindler Elevators, Rotary Club International, Tanztheatre Wuppertal (Pina Bausch). Her publications include: Donna Moderna, Srf Switzerland, Arte Journal (TV), Grazia France, Il Fotografo, L’Espresso.

Ludovica combines the language of photography with mixed techniques such as painting, sewing, collage, children's illustration, animation. Her research focuses on the direct manipulation of images and how this practice can act on our perception of reality. 

Posterior a 2000
Ludovica Bastianini
Título de la obra
Napoli Silente - Terme di Mercurio - 7 Photographs
Impresión digital
EBC (Extraordinariamente bien conservada)
10 cm
15 cm
Fotografía experimental
Número de artículos

15 valoraciones (6 en los últimos 12 meses)
  1. 5
  2. 0
  3. 1

Libro bellissimo,scritto dalla venditrice che è una degli eroi tra medici, infermieri ed altri addetti ai lavori che ha svolto un lavoro fondamentale contro il covid 19,grazie tante per il tuo lavoro

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Tutto bene. Venditore serio, interessato alle esigenze del cliente.

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Beautiful artphoto well received in good condition.

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Well packed, thanks Ludovica

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purtroppo ho riscontrato dei problemi, ho potuto aprire il lotto acquistato soltanto ieri e la foto presenta dei problemi,in quanto ero ricoverato in Ospedale mi hanno appunto dimesso ieri, peccato

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Respuesta del vendedor

Gentile Paolo, le due pieghe sull’immagine venduta erano ben visibili nelle fotografie dell’annuncio e per questo motivo l’immagine è stata venduta senza prezzo di riserva. Questa fotografia, in edizione davvero molto limitata, sarebbe stata venduta altrimenti a partire da 200€. Tuttavia se lei reputa di volerla restituire può rispedirmela a sue spese (9€) e le restituirò i soldi della sua offerta senza problemi. Resto a sua disposizione per ulteriori chiarimenti. Cordiali saluti

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15 valoraciones (6 en los últimos 12 meses)
  1. 5
  2. 0
  3. 1

Libro bellissimo,scritto dalla venditrice che è una degli eroi tra medici, infermieri ed altri addetti ai lavori che ha svolto un lavoro fondamentale contro il covid 19,grazie tante per il tuo lavoro

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