No. 93218233

Augustincic Antun (1900-1979) - Boy having a pee (Dječak / Manekenpis)
Final bid
€ 300
3 weeks ago

Augustincic Antun (1900-1979) - Boy having a pee (Dječak / Manekenpis)

Augustinčić Antun / Boy having a pee ("Manekenpis"), bronze sculpture on a granite pedestal, signed A. Augustinčić (below on the back of the sculpture). The sculpture is in excellent condition. Antun Augustinčić, Croatian sculptor (1900 - 1979). Along with Ivan Meštrović and Fran Kršinić, he is one of the three most important Croatian sculptors of the 20th century. His most famous works are the Peace Monument in front of the United Nations Headquarters in New York and the Miner's Statue in front of the International Labour Organization in Geneva. He graduated from the Royal Academy of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb in 1924 under the mentorship of Prof. Ivan Meštrović. He enrolled in the then College of Arts and Crafts (which was renamed the Royal Academy in 1922) in 1918 and studied with Prof. Rudolf Valdec and Robert Frangeš Mihanović. After graduating, he studied at L'Ecole des Arts decoratifs and L'Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris with a scholarship from the French government. Augustinčić is the most important representative of the so-called psychological portrait in Croatian sculpture of the 20th century. ...

No. 93218233

Augustincic Antun (1900-1979) - Boy having a pee (Dječak / Manekenpis)

Augustincic Antun (1900-1979) - Boy having a pee (Dječak / Manekenpis)

Augustinčić Antun / Boy having a pee ("Manekenpis"), bronze sculpture on a granite pedestal, signed A. Augustinčić (below on the back of the sculpture). The sculpture is in excellent condition.

Antun Augustinčić, Croatian sculptor (1900 - 1979). Along with Ivan Meštrović and Fran Kršinić, he is one of the three most important Croatian sculptors of the 20th century. His most famous works are the Peace Monument in front of the United Nations Headquarters in New York and the Miner's Statue in front of the International Labour Organization in Geneva.

He graduated from the Royal Academy of Arts and Crafts in Zagreb in 1924 under the mentorship of Prof. Ivan Meštrović. He enrolled in the then College of Arts and Crafts (which was renamed the Royal Academy in 1922) in 1918 and studied with Prof. Rudolf Valdec and Robert Frangeš Mihanović. After graduating, he studied at L'Ecole des Arts decoratifs and L'Academie des Beaux-Arts in Paris with a scholarship from the French government. Augustinčić is the most important representative of the so-called psychological portrait in Croatian sculpture of the 20th century. ...

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