Feedback på sælger<!-- --> - Catawiki


Catawiki-medlem siden Thu Sep 01 2022 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time), fået i alt 293 anmeldelser (89 inden for de seneste 12 måneder)

(seneste 12 måneder)
75.0% (89 anmeldelser)
  • 63
  • 5
  • 21
  • Henriecou

    Beautiful ring. Nicely delivered.

  • user-2ad333e260be

    Ich habe noch nicht meine Bestellung bekommen, Und ich weiß nicht warum bekomme ich keine richtige Antwort

    Svar fra sælgeren

    We have already gone through all the instructions for you to receive your order more than 2 times. You have also been instructed where to pick up your order.

  • user-65691523b793

    Je n'ai pas reçu ce lot, je l'attends

  • user-da6466f49096

    Very well packed and quickly arrived. Very beautiful earrings, thank you! Best regards from Switzerland.

  • user-6c72fb7e76d5

    La verdad es que ha llegado en perfecto estado y me encanta. Muchas gracias

  • user-5e8f598bd862

    Anello elegante e luminoso. Diamanti punzonati singolarmente. Misura perfetta. Arrivato con lieve ritardo - immagino per lo stop alla dogana. Soddisfatta.

  • user-71c9ffa

    The ring is not the one I order. The stonevis Light bleu. I ordered and payd forca green stone.

  • user-f0cfee997cdc

    Delivery took nearly a calender month, paid extra £88+ customs duty but when the earrings came, they were worth the money and the waiting. Lovely earrings and as discribed.

  • user-9ec801a0cfca

    l anello è per una bambina e nella descrizione non veniva menzionato

    Svar fra sælgeren

    We are sad to hear that the ring didn't fit you. But your query is not true. The ring description information is all described in the advertisement. Including external and internal dimensions. You didn't read the full ad description. Below we transcribe exactly the information from the ad: Ring Information: Metal: 14 kt Color: Yellom Weight: 1.35 gr Sizes: 20.30 mm x 20.30 mm x 3.70 mm ( inside diameter = 16.70 mm )

  • 22097

    Gli orecchini sono difettosi Ho dovuto ripagare le tasse doganali La spesa non vale l articolo acquistato

  • user-ab45b38d28ea

    Bellissimo, oggetto di altissima qualità

  • user-09fa458

    Más pequeños de lo esperado,los pendientes cumplen con la descripción del vendedor. Envio cobrado de 84€ no corresponde con 46$ que constan en embalaje. Sumándole aduana, demasiado caro, no lo valen

  • Gorzel

    Lieferzeit über drei Wochen.Versandkosten für zwei Ringe ca.5 gramm im Briefumschlag 168,00 Euro sind eine Frechheit.Ich habe beim Bieten leider mal wieder nicht aufgepasst.Wertgutachten lächerlich.

    Svar fra sælgeren

    You had no obligation to finalize your purchase if you did not agree with the shipping costs. You knew the shipping cost before making the payment. You received your jewelry in perfect condition. It's a shame that catawiki doesn't allow buyers avaliation too, who knows, in a situation like this, buyers would think a little more before giving negative feedback without any consistency. Thanks.

  • user-48d02d4f513a

    Estoy descontenta por la falta de información y de apoyo tras lo ocurrido en aduana. ya llegó con una semana de retraso, y más 5 semanas retenido en aduanas. trámite que se podía a ver agilizado.

    Svar fra sælgeren

    The additional delay is due to your country's customs clearances. Unfortunately we have no control over this situation. Each customs office has its own procedures to be followed. We believe that you should evaluate the quality of the jewelry you purchased and not the customs delay. If you like your jewelry, you should give it an impartial review ). Thanks.

  • user-d896911

    Versand wurde von mir 84€ bezahlt und tatsächlich hat der Verkäufer 46,25 US Dollar, das ist nicht korrekt, zusätzlich hat er das ganze inklusive Versand kosten als Zoll angegeben so habe ich 26€ bez

    Svar fra sælgeren

    The amount shown in the AWB is not just the shipping cost, the shipping cost includes other expenses (internal transport, insurance, packaging, shipping, taxes, etc.). The additional fee charged, this is charged by the customs of your country (Tax charged by the government of your country), Unfortunately, every product purchased from outside your country is taxed by your customs. customs often values products at higher prices than they were actually purchased. We are available to clarify any doubts. But if you want to return your ring for the amount you paid, no problem, we accept returns without any problem!

  • user-e044b6f53b0b

    Anello secondo le aspettative Lungo il tempo di consegna

  • user-25207b76de71

    No article yet, seller tries to help

  • user-b0778c1954c5

    Es lief alles Perfekt

  • user-d1a97e366eec

    It came with a diamond that fell out and the ring is not what I expected. Lots of shipping costs and then another 31€ for customs. In the end, the ring was very expensive.

    Svar fra sælgeren

    We are sorry you were not satisfied with your purchase. The additional fee charged, this is charged by the customs of your country (Tax charged by the government of your country), Unfortunately, every product purchased from outside your country is taxed by your customs. The problem is that customs often values products at higher prices than they were actually purchased. But if you are not happy with your purchase, you can return it and we will refund your payment. We are available. Thanks!

  • user-38d4673b7884

    Der Versand hat sehr lange gedauert.

  • user-be93ad8

    kann ich nur empfehlen. Sehr seriösen Verkäufer

  • user-98e94746531f

    A beautiful ring, arrive early.

  • user-eb9e228aed98

    Grosse déception. L'article reçu ne correspond pas à la description. Annoncé comme ayant 0,62 ct de diamant, c'est loin d'être le cas. C'est scandaleux de tromper ainsi le client !

    Svar fra sælgeren

    Your ring is exactly as described. If you are not happy with your purchase, you can return it and your payment will be refunded in full. We are at your disposal. Thank you!

  • user-2ee338eb2c16

    Oltre che è arrivato in una mezza scatola come se era bigiotteria senza un foglio ad accompagnare l'anello per dire di che materiale era o se erano diamanti.. all'arrivo ho dovuto pagare 23,59 euro ..

    Svar fra sælgeren

    The additional fee charged, this is charged by the customs of your country (Tax charged by the government of your country), Unfortunately, every product purchased from outside your country is taxed by your customs. The customs often values products at higher prices than they were actually purchased. If you like your jewelry, you should give it an impartial review ). Thanks.

  • user-405467b662e4

    Die Ohrringe sind wie erwartet und sehr hübsch. Abwicklung hat gut funktioniert. Jedoch mussten zu den üppigen Gebühren noch zusätzlich fast 30€ für was bezahlt werden?