編號 93201764

Gregorius De Nyssa - Opus admirandum Gregorii Nysseni antistitis, de hominis opificio [Grēgoriou tou Nyssēs episkopou - 1567
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Gregorius De Nyssa - Opus admirandum Gregorii Nysseni antistitis, de hominis opificio [Grēgoriou tou Nyssēs episkopou - 1567

(Theology, Philosophy, Medicine; Illustrated; Bindings) GREGORIUS NYSSENUS (335 c. -394 c.), JOHANNES LEUNCLAVIUS (1533?-1593 or 1594) Opus admirandum Gregorii Nysseni Antistitis, de Hominis opificio: interprete Iohanne Levvenelaio: Annotationibus etiam necessarijs additis. Liber Medicinae, Philosophiae, Sacrarum q. litterarum studiosis perutilis. Basilaeae, Per Ioannem Oporinum (1567) (colophon) § 8vo (12 x 18,5 x3 cm.); 366, [14] pp., signature: A-Z1-8, A1-6. Parallel text Greek / Latin; woodcut on title page, woodcut initials, some woodcut illustrations. Ownership signature on free leaf, dated 1837; old handwritten annotations on title page and throughout. Contemporary vellum, handwritten title on spine. On front cover initials and date (C. B. C. 1601). Saint Gregory of Nyssa was a “philosophical theologian and mystic, leader of the orthodox party in the 4th-century Christian controversies over the doctrine of the Trinity. Primarily a scholar, he wrote many theological, mystical, and monastic works in which he balanced Platonic and Christian traditions.” (Hardy). In his work De Hominis opificio (On the making of Man), which can be considered as a systhematic anthropological treatise, the author tackles the problem of how the human mind, created as image of God, can exist within the limits of the physical body. Gregory did not accept the dualistic theory, of Platonic origin, of an imperfect union between the spiritual and physical components of Man but he thought neither that the human mind is totally subjected to physical conditions of the body. An exhaustive study of the medical literature of his time, Galen in particular, as well as of Plato phylosophy, that he studied through Plotinus and Origen, brought him to take an intermediate position, concluding that the intelligible mind do exhist and interacts with the physical body, without being limited by the latter. “Against those who place this faculty (the reasoning faculty) in the brain, Gregory argued that certain mental states and afflictions were due to physical conditionssuffered by the body and, therefore, had nothing to do with the reasoning faculty being confined to the brain. ... Gregory’s selective use of the anatomical investigations of Galen and the Greek medical writers helped him construct an unified theory of the human person in which the intelligible activity of minf both interacted freely with the physical body and depended upon the body funcioning naturally for the complete expression of its divine rationality.” (Wessel, p. 2). “There is, nevertheless, an imposing unity about Gregory of Nyssa’s thought on man and on the dignity of human nature. Spirit, soul and body are one in man. ... The creational body itself does not disturb Gregory’s vision of God’s plans for man and the universe, ... it is beautiful and mrvelously adapted to the mind: it has remained a work of God who obviously did not consider bodies valueless if He created them” (Ladner, p. 93). Joannes Leonclavius, also known as Hans Lewenklaw or Löwenklau, added his annotations at the and of the work. A German historian and orientalist, he was an expert in Turkish history; he republished and annotated Ottoman sources and edited Xenophon, Cassius Dio, and other classical authors.  EDWARD R. HARDY Saint Gregory of Nyssa In: Encyclopedia Britannica; SUSAN WESSEL The Reception of Greek Science in Gregory of Nyssa’s De Hominis Opificio In: Vigiliae Christianae 63, 2009, pp. 24-46; GERHART B. LADNER The Philosophical Anthropology of Saint Gregory of Nyssa In: Dumbarton Oaks Papers 1958, Vol. 12, pp. 59-94

編號 93201764

Gregorius De Nyssa - Opus admirandum Gregorii Nysseni antistitis, de hominis opificio [Grēgoriou tou Nyssēs episkopou - 1567

Gregorius De Nyssa - Opus admirandum Gregorii Nysseni antistitis, de hominis opificio [Grēgoriou tou Nyssēs episkopou - 1567

(神學、哲學、醫學;插圖;裝訂)GREGORIUS NYSSENUS(335 c.-394 c.)、Johnnes LEUNCLAVIUS(1533?-1593 或 1594)
Opus admirandum Gregorii Nysseni Antistitis, de Hominis opificio: 解釋 Iohanne Levvenelaio: Annotationibus etiam necessarijs additis. LiberMedicinae、Philosophiae、Sacrarum q. lliterarum studiosis perutilis。 Basilaaee,Per Ioannem Oporinum (1567)(版權頁)
§ 8vo(12 x 18.5 x3 公分); 366,[14] 頁,簽名:A-Z1-8,A1-6。平行文本希臘文/拉丁文;扉頁上的木刻、木刻首字母縮寫、一些木刻插圖。免費葉子上的所有權簽名,日期為 1837 年;扉頁和全文上有舊的手寫註釋。現代牛皮紙,書脊上手寫標題。封面上有姓名縮寫和日期(C. B. C. 1601)。
尼薩的聖額我略是一位「哲學神學家和神秘主義者,在四世紀基督教關於三位一體教義的爭論中的正統派領袖。他主要是一位學者,寫了許多神學、神秘和修道院著作,在其中平衡了柏拉圖和基督教傳統。 (哈代)。在他的著作 De Hominis opificio(論人的形成)中,作者解決了作為上帝形象創造的人類心靈如何在物質身體的限制內存在的問題,該著作可以被視為系統人類學論文。格列高利不接受源自柏拉圖的二元論,即人的精神和物質部分之間的不完美結合,但他也不認為人類的心靈完全受制於身體的物理條件。他對當時的醫學文獻(尤其是蓋倫)以及柏拉圖哲學(他透過普羅提諾和奧利金進行研究)進行了詳盡的研究,使他採取了中間立場,得出的結論是,可理解的心靈確實存在並與物理相互作用。格雷戈里反對那些將這種能力(推理能力)放在大腦中的人,他認為某些精神狀態和痛苦是由於身體所遭受的身體狀況造成的,因此與推理能力僅限於大腦無關。 ……格雷戈里有選擇地使用蓋倫和希臘醫學作家的解剖學研究,幫助他構建了一個關於人類的統一理論,其中minf的可理解活動既與身體自由相互作用,又依賴於身體的自然功能。 (韋塞爾,第 2 頁)。 「儘管如此,尼薩的格列高利對於人以及人性尊嚴的思想有著令人印象深刻的統一性。靈、魂、體在人身上合而為一。 ……創造的身體本身並沒有乾擾格雷戈里對上帝對人類和宇宙的計劃的願景,...它是美麗的,並且非常適合心靈:它仍然是上帝的作品,如果他顯然不認為身體毫無價值,創造了它們」(Ladner,第 93 頁)。
喬安妮斯·列昂克拉維烏斯(Joannes Leonclavius),也被稱為漢斯·萊文克勞(Hans Lewenklaw)或勒文克勞(Löwenklau),在這部作品的開頭和結尾處添加了他的註釋。他是德國歷史學家和東方學家,也是土耳其歷史專家。他重新出版並註釋了奧斯曼文獻,並編輯了色諾芬、卡西烏斯·迪奧和其他古典作家。
 愛德華‧哈迪 (EDWARD R. HARDY) 尼薩聖格列高利 (Saint Gregory of Nyssa) 載於:大英百科全書; SUSAN WESSEL 格雷戈里·尼薩 (Gregory of Nyssa) 的《De Hominis Opificio》中對希臘科學的接受:Vigiliae Christianae 63,2009,第 24-46 頁;拉德納 (GERHART B. LADNER) 《尼莎聖額我略 (Saint Gregory of Nyssa) 的哲學人類學》,載於:敦巴頓橡樹園論文 1958 年,卷。 12,第 59-94 頁







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