奧林匹克運動會 - 1984 - 專輯「OLYMPIC GAMES 1984」「Deutschen Sporthilfe」官方專輯
編號 92909261
1.- Album "OLYMPIC GAMES 1984" Official Album by "Deutschen Sporthilfe" - Preprinted multiring album, in excellent condition with preprinted sheets with clear mounts almost complete containing the complete set of 41 postcards - Olympic Games complete set of 41 card-postal with the Stations of all the race of the Torch Relay for the 1984 Los
Angeles Olympiad
2.- plus many loose stamps and some covers on Sport topic, mostly Olympic Games
- Weight 1,5 Kg
1.- Album "OLYMPIC GAMES 1984" Official Album by "Deutschen Sporthilfe" - Preprinted multiring album, in excellent condition with preprinted sheets with clear mounts almost complete containing the complete set of 41 postcards - Olympic Games complete set of 41 card-postal with the Stations of all the race of the Torch Relay for the 1984 Los
Angeles Olympiad
2.- plus many loose stamps and some covers on Sport topic, mostly Olympic Games
- Weight 1,5 Kg