編號 92692317
€ 67
15 小時前
標誌 - 耶穌基督拯救亞當和夏娃,手繪木製圖標 - 木
Bulgarian hand painted wooden icon Jesus Christ saves Adam and Eve.
Christ gives a hand to Adam and Eve, delivers them from hell, saves them from eternal death, returns them again to God, from where they separated because of their pride and presumption that they can live alone, without God.
編號 92692317
標誌 - 耶穌基督拯救亞當和夏娃,手繪木製圖標 - 木
Bulgarian hand painted wooden icon Jesus Christ saves Adam and Eve.
Christ gives a hand to Adam and Eve, delivers them from hell, saves them from eternal death, returns them again to God, from where they separated because of their pride and presumption that they can live alone, without God.