It's beautiful, thanks a lot :-) Happy like a kid when I got it !
查看翻譯菊石亞綱 - 貝殼化石 - Perisphinctes - 35 cm
編號 90291345
Beautiful huge ammonite, 14.2kg. Specimen from masagascar. A natural white fossilized enamel amd perfect spiral shape making this fossil even more rare and valuable. Truly a beautiful, wonderfully preserved specimen.
Beautiful huge ammonite, 14.2kg. Specimen from masagascar. A natural white fossilized enamel amd perfect spiral shape making this fossil even more rare and valuable. Truly a beautiful, wonderfully preserved specimen.
- 8
- 1
- 0
Thank you very much!
查看翻譯Fossili di alta qualità, spedizione veloce e il venditore risponde prontamente ad ogni dubbio è quesito. Consigliatissimo
查看翻譯Fossili di alta qualità, spedizione veloce e il venditore risponde prontamente ad ogni dubbio e quesito. Consigliatissimo
查看翻譯Item arrived as subscribed. Very nice piece. Thank you.