Fiat 500 GIARDINIERA Jolly REPLICA produced in 1968

When you buy from me, you buy the cheapest because you buy from the manufacturer, not from an intermediary
The Fiat 500 Jolly was one of the most successful conversions of the 500 carried out by the Ghia studio. A limited series of Italian cars turned out to be a real madness of those years. A madness that continues to this day!
Instead of a tin roof - a canvas "umbrella". The doors were replaced with unusually cut recesses. Instead of standard seats, wicker armchairs appeared. The lack of any seat belts was compensated by an elegant, chrome-plated pipe running around the car, which all passengers could easily hold on to. However, some things remained unchanged. The car was powered by an 18-horsepower unit. As former owners of this type of cars say: it could be repaired literally "on the knee".
The presented car, a REPLICA Fiat 500 Giardiniera JOLLY, has been professionally restored by my company using new parts. It is a highly sought after version of Giardiniera Jolly. In our workshop, it was completely dismantled, down to the last screw, completely cleaned of old paint and rust. After completing all the bodywork using new parts, we applied an epoxy primer, a primer that protects against corrosion. I assure you that the car is made and protected against corrosion much better than when it left the factory.
I have photographic documentation of the work carried out.
It was painted in AZZURRO ACQUAMARINA color from the FIAT color palette.

The engine has been rebuilt with new parts, checked and sealed, as well as the gearbox, suspension and steering are new, as are all other components. The electrical installation is new. The car lighting is new. The tires are new 125/70 R12. New rims. The bumpers and bumper holders are new.
The car has traveled approximately 11 km since renovation. looks and drives like new, shows no signs of use.
The car has a current MOT, registered Cabriolet. It has a registration certificate and is registered as a 4-seater convertible. I attach to the documents Vehicle Identification Data or data facilitating the registration of a vehicle in a country other than Poland, both within and outside the European Union.

Seller's history
I have many years of experience in building Fiat 500 Jolly, I have produced over 40 Jollys alone. Jollies produced in my company are used in the USA, Dubai, Croatia, Maldives, etc. My company has been operating since 1990 and I have been renovating vintage cars for almost 20 years. I employ excellent professionals, I also cooperate with specialized upholstery and mechanical companies, etc. In my workshop, car renovations, bodywork and paint repairs are carried out, we assemble them at my place. We specialize in Fiat 500s produced until 1975, but we also renovate other cars. We sell parts for Fiat 500, also in the Jolly version (roofs, bumpers, protective pipes, etc.)


我的公司從 1990 年開始運營,我從事汽車翻新近 20 年。我聘請了優秀的專業人員,我還與專業的內飾和機械公司等合作。在我的車間裡,所有的汽車翻新、車身和油漆修理都在我的地方進行組裝。我們專注於 1975 年之前生產的菲亞特 500,但我們也翻新其他汽車。

Fiat 500 GIARDINIERA Jolly REPLICA produced in 1968

When you buy from me, you buy the cheapest because you buy from the manufacturer, not from an intermediary
The Fiat 500 Jolly was one of the most successful conversions of the 500 carried out by the Ghia studio. A limited series of Italian cars turned out to be a real madness of those years. A madness that continues to this day!
Instead of a tin roof - a canvas "umbrella". The doors were replaced with unusually cut recesses. Instead of standard seats, wicker armchairs appeared. The lack of any seat belts was compensated by an elegant, chrome-plated pipe running around the car, which all passengers could easily hold on to. However, some things remained unchanged. The car was powered by an 18-horsepower unit. As former owners of this type of cars say: it could be repaired literally "on the knee".
The presented car, a REPLICA Fiat 500 Giardiniera JOLLY, has been professionally restored by my company using new parts. It is a highly sought after version of Giardiniera Jolly. In our workshop, it was completely dismantled, down to the last screw, completely cleaned of old paint and rust. After completing all the bodywork using new parts, we applied an epoxy primer, a primer that protects against corrosion. I assure you that the car is made and protected against corrosion much better than when it left the factory.
I have photographic documentation of the work carried out.
It was painted in AZZURRO ACQUAMARINA color from the FIAT color palette.

The engine has been rebuilt with new parts, checked and sealed, as well as the gearbox, suspension and steering are new, as are all other components. The electrical installation is new. The car lighting is new. The tires are new 125/70 R12. New rims. The bumpers and bumper holders are new.
The car has traveled approximately 11 km since renovation. looks and drives like new, shows no signs of use.
The car has a current MOT, registered Cabriolet. It has a registration certificate and is registered as a 4-seater convertible. I attach to the documents Vehicle Identification Data or data facilitating the registration of a vehicle in a country other than Poland, both within and outside the European Union.

Seller's history
I have many years of experience in building Fiat 500 Jolly, I have produced over 40 Jollys alone. Jollies produced in my company are used in the USA, Dubai, Croatia, Maldives, etc. My company has been operating since 1990 and I have been renovating vintage cars for almost 20 years. I employ excellent professionals, I also cooperate with specialized upholstery and mechanical companies, etc. In my workshop, car renovations, bodywork and paint repairs are carried out, we assemble them at my place. We specialize in Fiat 500s produced until 1975, but we also renovate other cars. We sell parts for Fiat 500, also in the Jolly version (roofs, bumpers, protective pipes, etc.)


我的公司從 1990 年開始運營,我從事汽車翻新近 20 年。我聘請了優秀的專業人員,我還與專業的內飾和機械公司等合作。在我的車間裡,所有的汽車翻新、車身和油漆修理都在我的地方進行組裝。我們專注於 1975 年之前生產的菲亞特 500,但我們也翻新其他汽車。


Catawiki始終致力於為您提供最佳的購買體驗。我們的專家根據我們的提交指南,對每輛車進行虛擬審查並挑選,要求賣家提供最準確的車輛描述。然而,提供車輛的全面詳細分析是極其困難的,幾乎不可能。 我們要求賣家提供有關車輛狀況的資訊,以供您參考。請注意,大多數待售車輛都是老爺車,通常已經使用了很長時間,這表示即使狀況為一、二等級的車輛也可能需要維修才能上路。建議您仔細閱讀我們的提交指南中有关狀況的等級和類型的詳細说明,以便心中有數。 車輛按「原狀」出售,即按照銷售之時的描述和狀態出售,Catawiki或賣家對汽車狀況不作任何擔保、保證或承擔任何形式的責任。物品之狀況是賣家的意見,可能與您、您當地的修車廠或經銷商的意見不同,但並不就表示車輛不符合其描述。 在競投出價之前,請查看您當地有關車輛登記註冊的法規。賣家和Catawiki均不對車輛在您所在國家/地區註冊之事宜負責,也不會接受您因未能成功註冊車輛而取消交易的要求。 我們還建議您在出價之前盡可能與賣家安排檢視車輛。

Catawiki始終致力於為您提供最佳的購買體驗。我們的專家根據我們的提交指南,對每輛車進行虛擬審查並挑選,要求賣家提供最準確的車輛描述。然而,提供車輛的全面詳細分析是極其困難的,幾乎不可能。 我們要求賣家提供有關車輛狀況的資訊,以供您參考。請注意,大多數待售車輛都是老爺車,通常已經使用了很長時間,這表示即使狀況為一、二等級的車輛也可能需要維修才能上路。建議您仔細閱讀我們的提交指南中有关狀況的等級和類型的詳細说明,以便心中有數。 車輛按「原狀」出售,即按照銷售之時的描述和狀態出售,Catawiki或賣家對汽車狀況不作任何擔保、保證或承擔任何形式的責任。物品之狀況是賣家的意見,可能與您、您當地的修車廠或經銷商的意見不同,但並不就表示車輛不符合其描述。 在競投出價之前,請查看您當地有關車輛登記註冊的法規。賣家和Catawiki均不對車輛在您所在國家/地區註冊之事宜負責,也不會接受您因未能成功註冊車輛而取消交易的要求。 我們還建議您在出價之前盡可能與賣家安排檢視車輛。