編號 88654559
12 個 Ophiura(奧陶紀海星)的最佳等級協會 - Ktaoua Fm - 大盤 - 骨骼化石 (沒有保留價)
編號 88654559
12 個 Ophiura(奧陶紀海星)的最佳等級協會 - Ktaoua Fm - 大盤 - 骨骼化石 (沒有保留價)
This is a Premium Grade natural association of 6 Ordovician aged starfish of the genus Ophiura and Petraster in a large plate. It comes from the Tioririne Formation near Blekus, South Morocco. The specimens shows an amazing amount of detail and the natural, orange coloration is due to the oxidization of iron pyrite. Completely natural. Awesome Museum Grade mortality plate.
SPECIES Ophiura, Lamarck 1801 (brittle star) 12 individuals
AGE Ordovician (~460 Million Years)
LOCATION Kaid Rami, South Morocco
FORMATION Kataoua Formation
Size (plate): 25 cm and 8cm the biggest Ophiura
Ref: C28
All our fossils comes with Certificate of Authenticity.