Since 2012, St.Bernardus has produced a limited number of 1.5 liter Magnum bottles every year. The Abt 12 is then filled in a special dark brown St. Bernardus magnum bottle with the brewery logo in relief, a 'Bière Belge' neck, a personalized cork and a unique muselet. An artist is always called upon to develop the label. All works of art or paintings are part of the brewery's art collection.

Magnum 2020 Belgian visual artist Christophe Malfliet is known for his controlled exuberant action-painting technique with great attention to detailed figurative elements. His 'Illuminato' appears on the label of the 2020 edition.

Magnum 2021 The unintentionally last Panamarenko photo 'Around The World in 80 Years' is inspired by Jules Verne's adventure novel 'Around The World in 80 Days'. The man behind that photo is Bart Ramakers, narrative photographer, who in turn was inspired by the Italian Baroque painter Caravaggio for the scene.

Magnum 2022 10 years after his son Rik Vermeersch started our Magnum tradition, we honor '100 years of José Vermeersch'. The sculpture 'Woman and Man' dates from 1986. His oeuvre testifies to an authentic search for existential truths, which he tries to shape with bold and free gestures.

Since 2012, St.Bernardus has produced a limited number of 1.5 liter Magnum bottles every year. The Abt 12 is then filled in a special dark brown St. Bernardus magnum bottle with the brewery logo in relief, a 'Bière Belge' neck, a personalized cork and a unique muselet. An artist is always called upon to develop the label. All works of art or paintings are part of the brewery's art collection.

Magnum 2020 Belgian visual artist Christophe Malfliet is known for his controlled exuberant action-painting technique with great attention to detailed figurative elements. His 'Illuminato' appears on the label of the 2020 edition.

Magnum 2021 The unintentionally last Panamarenko photo 'Around The World in 80 Years' is inspired by Jules Verne's adventure novel 'Around The World in 80 Days'. The man behind that photo is Bart Ramakers, narrative photographer, who in turn was inspired by the Italian Baroque painter Caravaggio for the scene.

Magnum 2022 10 years after his son Rik Vermeersch started our Magnum tradition, we honor '100 years of José Vermeersch'. The sculpture 'Woman and Man' dates from 1986. His oeuvre testifies to an authentic search for existential truths, which he tries to shape with bold and free gestures.

St. Bernardus
Abt 12 Magnum 2020 年、2021 年及 2022 年版