編號 87915881

中國. 10, 20 Cash / 1, 2 Fen 1875~1933 Lot of copper coins (15 coins )  (沒有保留價)
€ 112
5 天前

中國. 10, 20 Cash / 1, 2 Fen 1875~1933 Lot of copper coins (15 coins ) (沒有保留價)

* Duty and taxes, if any, are the responsibility of the buyer 01. 大清銅幣十文一批 + 民國銅幣(比較貴) 大清銅幣鑄造始於1900年(清光緒二十六年),止於1911年(宣統三年),流通時間較短。因其版面設計優雅,雕刻精良,且存世量極為稀少,尤其以光緒戶部造當十最受讚譽。而進入民國的銅幣就更稀少了,因為這時銀幣盛行,且開始流通紙幣。 這一批銅幣算是漂亮,請喜歡銅幣的藏家切勿錯過。 01. A batch of 10 copper coins + Republic of China copper coins (more expensive) The minting of Qing copper coins began in 1900 (the 26th year of Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty) and ended in 1911 (the third year of Xuantong), and the circulation time was relatively short. Because of its elegant layout design, excellent carving, and the number of surviving is extremely rare, especially in Guangxu household when the top ten are the most praised. Copper coins that entered the Republic of China were even rarer, because silver coins were prevalent at this time, and paper money began to circulate. This batch of copper coins is a beautiful one, so collectors who like copper coins should not miss it. 請務必詳讀商品說明,各國稅制不同,您可能需要另外繳納關稅。 也在此提醒您,有時部分商品會需要繳付關稅,請您記得繳稅方能取得藏品。 法國客人請留意,因奧運緣故,寄至法國的包裹會需要比較多時間。 詳細資料請上ACCA官網查詢,若您還在賣場上競標,可告訴我晚一點寄出。義大利及葡萄牙的客人請注意,寄往義大利及葡萄牙的郵件,通常收到時間都比較久,請您耐心等候,或是考慮提供其他國家的地址給我也可以,謝謝。 * Duty and taxes, if any, are the responsibility of the buyer * French guests are reminded that due to the Olympic Games, it may take more time for parcels to be arrive in France. * For more information, please check the ACCA official website * If you are still bidding in the store, you can tell me to send it later. * For guests from Italy and Portugal, please note that it usually takes a long time for package delivery to Italy and Portugal, so please be patient or consider providing me with an address in another country Thank you and good luck!

編號 87915881

中國. 10, 20 Cash / 1, 2 Fen 1875~1933 Lot of copper coins (15 coins )  (沒有保留價)

中國. 10, 20 Cash / 1, 2 Fen 1875~1933 Lot of copper coins (15 coins ) (沒有保留價)

* Duty and taxes, if any, are the responsibility of the buyer
01. 大清銅幣十文一批 + 民國銅幣(比較貴)
01. A batch of 10 copper coins + Republic of China copper coins (more expensive)
The minting of Qing copper coins began in 1900 (the 26th year of Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty) and ended in 1911 (the third year of Xuantong), and the circulation time was relatively short. Because of its elegant layout design, excellent carving, and the number of surviving is extremely rare, especially in Guangxu household when the top ten are the most praised. Copper coins that entered the Republic of China were even rarer, because silver coins were prevalent at this time, and paper money began to circulate.
This batch of copper coins is a beautiful one, so collectors who like copper coins should not miss it.
* Duty and taxes, if any, are the responsibility of the buyer
* French guests are reminded that due to the Olympic Games, it may take more time for parcels to be arrive in France.
* For more information, please check the ACCA official website
* If you are still bidding in the store, you can tell me to send it later.
* For guests from Italy and Portugal, please note that it usually takes a long time for package delivery to Italy and Portugal, so please be patient or consider providing me with an address in another country
Thank you and good luck!






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