編號 87276661

泰國. Rama VII. 1/4 Baht 1929  (沒有保留價)
€ 20
4 天前

泰國. Rama VII. 1/4 Baht 1929 (沒有保留價)

* Duty and taxes, if any, are the responsibility of the buyer 28.ACCA,MS-65,1929年 Thailand Rama VII 1/4 Baht, Elephant 巴差提朴是瓦棲拉兀的弟弟,他於1925年在並未準備充分的情況下登上了王位。即位不久就遇上世界經濟危機(大蕭條),暹羅亦未能倖免。他從小在歐洲受教育長大,出於節省開支的初衷,解僱了大量宮中勞力。但卻引起了普遍的不滿,再加上當時糟糕的經濟形勢,最終導致了1932年夏天的革命,成立了君主立憲制政府。巴差提朴選擇了保留王位(君主立憲)。他當時做了以下著名的答覆:「為了使成立君主立憲政府的過程能夠儘可能柔和地進行,我同意成為一個傀儡。」1935年3月2日,新政府幾乎完全違反了民主化的初衷,最終退位並移居英國,於第二次世界大戰期間過世。 這枚銀幣極為精緻漂亮,正面人像及背面大象都是泰國銀幣中的經典,品相家、圖案精美,請喜歡的藏家切勿錯過。 28. ACCA, MS-65, 1929 Thailand Rama VII 1/4 Baht, Elephant Bachatipu was the younger brother of Vajilavu, who ascended to the throne in 1925 without adequate preparation. Soon after his accession to the throne, he encountered a world economic crisis (the Great Depression), and Siam was not immune. He was raised in Europe and was educated in Europe, and in order to save money, he laid off a large number of palace laborers. But it caused widespread discontent, which, combined with the poor economic situation at the time, eventually led to a revolution in the summer of 1932 with the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. Bachatrip chose to retain the throne (constitutional monarchy). He famously replied at the time: "In order that the process of forming a constitutional monarchy can be carried out as gently as possible, I agree to be a puppet." On March 2, 1935, the new government almost completely violated the original intention of democratization, eventually abdicated and moved to United Kingdom, where it died during World War II. This silver coin is extremely delicate and beautiful, the portrait on the front and the elephant on the back are classic among Thailand silver coins, and the beauty of the picture and pattern is not to be missed by collectors. 請務必詳讀商品說明,各國稅制不同,您可能需要另外繳納關稅。 也在此提醒您,有時部分商品會需要繳付關稅,請您記得繳稅方能取得藏品。 法國客人請留意,因奧運緣故,寄至法國的包裹會需要比較多時間。 詳細資料請上ACCA官網查詢,若您還在賣場上競標,可告訴我晚一點寄出。義大利及葡萄牙的客人請注意,寄往義大利及葡萄牙的郵件,通常收到時間都比較久,請您耐心等候,或是考慮提供其他國家的地址給我也可以,謝謝。 * Duty and taxes, if any, are the responsibility of the buyer * French guests are reminded that due to the Olympic Games, it may take more time for parcels to be arrive in France. * For more information, please check the ACCA official website * If you are still bidding in the store, you can tell me to send it later. * For guests from Italy and Portugal, please note that it usually takes a long time for package delivery to Italy and Portugal, so please be patient or consider providing me with an address in another country Thank you and good luck!

編號 87276661

泰國. Rama VII. 1/4 Baht 1929  (沒有保留價)

泰國. Rama VII. 1/4 Baht 1929 (沒有保留價)

* Duty and taxes, if any, are the responsibility of the buyer
28.ACCA,MS-65,1929年 Thailand Rama VII 1/4 Baht, Elephant
28. ACCA, MS-65, 1929 Thailand Rama VII 1/4 Baht, Elephant
Bachatipu was the younger brother of Vajilavu, who ascended to the throne in 1925 without adequate preparation. Soon after his accession to the throne, he encountered a world economic crisis (the Great Depression), and Siam was not immune. He was raised in Europe and was educated in Europe, and in order to save money, he laid off a large number of palace laborers. But it caused widespread discontent, which, combined with the poor economic situation at the time, eventually led to a revolution in the summer of 1932 with the establishment of a constitutional monarchy. Bachatrip chose to retain the throne (constitutional monarchy). He famously replied at the time: "In order that the process of forming a constitutional monarchy can be carried out as gently as possible, I agree to be a puppet." On March 2, 1935, the new government almost completely violated the original intention of democratization, eventually abdicated and moved to United Kingdom, where it died during World War II.
This silver coin is extremely delicate and beautiful, the portrait on the front and the elephant on the back are classic among Thailand silver coins, and the beauty of the picture and pattern is not to be missed by collectors.

* Duty and taxes, if any, are the responsibility of the buyer
* French guests are reminded that due to the Olympic Games, it may take more time for parcels to be arrive in France.
* For more information, please check the ACCA official website
* If you are still bidding in the store, you can tell me to send it later.
* For guests from Italy and Portugal, please note that it usually takes a long time for package delivery to Italy and Portugal, so please be patient or consider providing me with an address in another country
Thank you and good luck!






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