編號 87161917

武士刀 - 日本 - 江戶時代(1600-1868)
3 週前

武士刀 - 日本 - 江戶時代(1600-1868)

This exquisite katana, estimated to be from the Edo period, is in excellent condition, showcasing a beautiful hamon. Specifications: Mumei Blade Length (刃長): Approximately 70.0 cm Curvature (反り): Approximately 2.0 cm Width at the Base (元幅): Approximately 31.0 mm Thickness at the Base (元重): Approximately 7.6 mm Width at the Tip (先幅): Approximately 20.8 mm Thickness at the Tip (先重): Approximately 4.9 mm Overall Length with Mountings (拵全長): Approximately 97.4 cm Blade Features: The blade is crafted in the traditional shinogi-zukuri style, characterized by a prominent ridge line (shinogi) running along its length. It exhibits a saki-zori curvature, which is more pronounced near the tip, adding to the blade's elegance. The chu-kissaki (medium-sized tip) complements the overall design, while the iori-mune (roof-shaped back) enhances the blade's structural integrity. The gentle oroshi (gentle slope) and the low-positioned shinogi further define the blade's aesthetic and functional attributes. The hamon is an exquisite ko-choji-ba, featuring a series of small, clove-like patterns that exemplify the exceptional craftsmanship of the period.

編號 87161917

武士刀 - 日本 - 江戶時代(1600-1868)

武士刀 - 日本 - 江戶時代(1600-1868)

This exquisite katana, estimated to be from the Edo period, is in excellent condition, showcasing a beautiful hamon.

Blade Length (刃長): Approximately 70.0 cm
Curvature (反り): Approximately 2.0 cm
Width at the Base (元幅): Approximately 31.0 mm
Thickness at the Base (元重): Approximately 7.6 mm
Width at the Tip (先幅): Approximately 20.8 mm
Thickness at the Tip (先重): Approximately 4.9 mm
Overall Length with Mountings (拵全長): Approximately 97.4 cm
Blade Features:
The blade is crafted in the traditional shinogi-zukuri style, characterized by a prominent ridge line (shinogi) running along its length. It exhibits a saki-zori curvature, which is more pronounced near the tip, adding to the blade's elegance. The chu-kissaki (medium-sized tip) complements the overall design, while the iori-mune (roof-shaped back) enhances the blade's structural integrity. The gentle oroshi (gentle slope) and the low-positioned shinogi further define the blade's aesthetic and functional attributes. The hamon is an exquisite ko-choji-ba, featuring a series of small, clove-like patterns that exemplify the exceptional craftsmanship of the period.






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