Royal Dux Porzellan-Manufaktur - 雕像 - Royal Dux Nude Female with Book an Butterfly Czechoslovakia - 瓷当前出价€17
Royal Dux Porzellan-Manufaktur - Porcelain set of 3 graduated elephants in green and gold shot enamel - 雕像 (3) - Bisquit瓷器起拍价€64
Swarovski - Michael Zendron - 玩具人偶 - SCS - Annual Edition 2003 - Antonio - 606441 - Box + Certificate - 水晶起拍价€10
Swarovski - 雕像 - Krisbeer liggend / allereerste krisbeer & Krisbeer Met Fles / Celebration (2) - 水晶起拍价€1
Swarovski - 雕像 - Vlinder groot, goudkleurige voelsprieten - in originele doos zonder certificaat - 水晶起拍价€10
Swarovski - 玩具人偶 - SCS - Annual Edition 2011- Polar Bear Cubs Crystal Moonlight - 1079156 - Boxed - 水晶当前出价€52