St. Moritz is like no other resort, for it has come to symbolise all that a Swiss destination should be: genteel and refined, exclusive yet welcoming. So great is the impact that St. Moritz has had on the global consciousness, since it first welcomed skiers nearly 150 years ago, that it has grown to be both cinematic and literary “shorthand” for luxurious getaways.

Located in the Engadin valley, St. Moritz first attracted visitors and functioned as a proper resort in 1864, when hotelier Johannes Badrutt made a wager that would resonate forever throughout Switzerland. His bet with four British summer-season visitors proffered that, should they return in winter and not find it as pleasurable a vacation as their warm weather sojourn, he would pay the cost of their round-trip. It was a win-win situation for them, as he also offered to pay for their visit, to stay as long as they wished, if they did find St. Moritz to be attractive in winter. That example of genteel gamesmanship not only established St. Moritz as a ski resort, it also launched the Alps on the whole, as a destination for vacationing skiers.

Over the years, St. Moritz would host the first European Ice-Skating Championships (1882), the first golf tournament held in the Alps (1889), a horse race on snow (1906) and the opening of Switzerland’s first ski school (1929). It has twice hosted the Winter Olympics – in 1928 and 1948 – as well as over 30 Bobsled World Championships, four Alpine Ski World Championships and numerous 40 Engadin Ski Marathons. So rich is St. Moritz’s winter sport heritage that it now exemplifies the Swiss sporting vacation ethos.

As far back as 1934, Alfred Hitchcock used it for the opening scenes of The Man Who Knew Too Much, while it was cited exactly 30 years later in the James Bond film, Goldfinger, and referred to in 1981’s For Your Eyes Only. Bond’s creator Ian Fleming clearly knew a good thing when he found it: locations near St. Moritz also served as headquarters for the villain Blofeld in the novel, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Most romantically, singer-songwriter Peter Sarstedt listed St. Moritz amongst the elite locales in his immortal “Where Do You Go To My Lovely”, its mere mention conveying haute monde elegance.

But St. Moritz supports much more than skiing, golf and other leisure pursuits. Every year, this town welcomes the arts, celebrated with exhibitions, seminars, walks and other attractions. The St. Moritz Arts Masters is an annual gathering of artists and collectors, experts and critics, presenting a rare opportunity for the public to savour the art world in all of its aspects, in a breath-taking Alpine environment.

It is fitting, then, that the representation of the village be both a tool an artist might use – a pen – and an objet d’art embellished with visual representations of St. Moritz itself. To decorate the pens’ barrels, Montegrappa’s designers have chosen four historic posters redolent of St. Moritz’s charms, each image hand-painted by artist Lorena Straffi. The pens are fashioned from celluloid, a costly material made from cotton fibre mixed with natural pigments and mother-of-pearl, and are further adorned with either sterling silver or 18K gold.

Montegrappa’s new St. Moritz collection encompasses four themes, represented by period posters of timeless appeal:

• Automobile Week 1929, by Baumberger – encapsulated in the image of a sleek red racing car heading toward the mountains at great speed

• Grosses Ski Rennen der Schweiz (Big Swiss Ski Race) 1911, by Kupfer – with a pensive skier pondering the race in which he is about to compete

• Tea time by the Engadin lake 1920, by Stiefel – showing the restful aspects of St. Moritz, as an elegant resort

• Woman in a red jacket 1925, by Daester – redolent of the great Art Deco period during which it was created

The 2012 St. Moritz Limited Edition comprises 300 fountain pens and 300 rollerballs with sterling silver trim and a special limited edition of eight fountain pens and eight roller balls with solid 18K gold trim per design. Your Montegrappa St. Moritz pen will serve as a permanent, evocative reminder of Switzerland’s jewel of a resort every time it touches paper.

All Montegrappa writing instruments are guaranteed against any manufacturing defect for 24 months from the date of purchase. Any part of this pen with a minor manufacturing defect discovered by our authorised customer service department will be repaired or replaced under warranty.

To benefit from the international guarantee, simply present the international guarantee certificate, correctly filled in by one of our authorised dealers, complete with stamp and date, to one of the Montegrappa service centres.


在其旅程开始一个多世纪后,Montegrappa 仍然始终热衷于纸张与人类思想之间亲密的、近乎神奇的关系。 没有什么比一张白纸更神秘的了,一张白纸虽然价值不大,但在其灵魂中却蕴藏着宝贵的希望。我们中的许多人都熟悉当想法自由流动时所获得的炼金术般的感觉,当笔和纸给我们带来像黄金一样宝贵的奖励时的那些神奇时刻。 当然,这些财富是如何获得的是另一回事,只有少数鉴赏家才能理解,尤其是那些将毕生精力奉献给世界上最非凡的书写工具的工匠们。 Montegrappa 为权势人物、远见卓识者和热情的作家服务的百年经验告诉我们,当委托一支能够提高其品质的笔时,手能够表达美德。 在巴萨诺德尔格拉帕 (Bassano del Grappa),在意大利最古老的钢笔工厂中,设计了许多型号,这些型号后来成为奢华书写文化的标准。传统和对精湛工艺的崇敬是我们发送到世界各地的每一件产品的核心;但始终定义我们灵魂的是对文化、当代设计和先进技术的热情。 在不断探索我们手艺的界限的过程中,我们通过将古老的书写艺术原理与使它们更加迷人的新思想融合在一起,增强了这种炼金术的潜力。结果是惊人的:毕竟,留下印记是任何拥有 Montegrappa 钢笔的人的愿望。 我们这些欣赏文字的人都知道忠实地参与并在纸上精巧地表达出来的满足感。在写作中——就像在设计中一样——优雅不是一种特定的风格或存在方式,而是知道哪些想法应该丢弃哪些应该保留的艺术。 诺贝尔奖获得者欧内斯特·海明威这样描述他干巴巴的、粗暴有效的风格: “你所要做的就是写一个真实的句子。 写下你知道的最真实的句子。 海明威在第一次世界大战期间使用 Montegrappa 生产的第一批钢笔来写作。这位年轻的作家驻扎在美国红十字会的营房里,对他周围发生的事情非常敏感,他发现自己住在 Bassano del Grappa,与历史悠久的 Montegrappa 总部位于同一片土地上。 1917 年,便携式笔代表了一项轰动一时的技术创新,这种工具让前线士兵与因冲突而四分五裂的家人之间建立了重要联系。 我们只能想知道欧内斯特海明威今天会在这个数字时代做些什么,过度丰富的文字使它们变得毫无意义。现代社会主张时间的绝对价值,为计时而创造的仪器支配着天文事务,而设计用于计时的仪器也越来越稀少。 据说现在笔越来越少用了。可以肯定的是,无论在哪里使用,钢笔都具有额外的价值。 Montegrappa 书写工具并非旨在代表与过去的怀旧联系,远非如此:它们旨在为知识渊博、富有洞察力的作家提供放慢时间的神奇和现代奢华。

St. Moritz is like no other resort, for it has come to symbolise all that a Swiss destination should be: genteel and refined, exclusive yet welcoming. So great is the impact that St. Moritz has had on the global consciousness, since it first welcomed skiers nearly 150 years ago, that it has grown to be both cinematic and literary “shorthand” for luxurious getaways.

Located in the Engadin valley, St. Moritz first attracted visitors and functioned as a proper resort in 1864, when hotelier Johannes Badrutt made a wager that would resonate forever throughout Switzerland. His bet with four British summer-season visitors proffered that, should they return in winter and not find it as pleasurable a vacation as their warm weather sojourn, he would pay the cost of their round-trip. It was a win-win situation for them, as he also offered to pay for their visit, to stay as long as they wished, if they did find St. Moritz to be attractive in winter. That example of genteel gamesmanship not only established St. Moritz as a ski resort, it also launched the Alps on the whole, as a destination for vacationing skiers.

Over the years, St. Moritz would host the first European Ice-Skating Championships (1882), the first golf tournament held in the Alps (1889), a horse race on snow (1906) and the opening of Switzerland’s first ski school (1929). It has twice hosted the Winter Olympics – in 1928 and 1948 – as well as over 30 Bobsled World Championships, four Alpine Ski World Championships and numerous 40 Engadin Ski Marathons. So rich is St. Moritz’s winter sport heritage that it now exemplifies the Swiss sporting vacation ethos.

As far back as 1934, Alfred Hitchcock used it for the opening scenes of The Man Who Knew Too Much, while it was cited exactly 30 years later in the James Bond film, Goldfinger, and referred to in 1981’s For Your Eyes Only. Bond’s creator Ian Fleming clearly knew a good thing when he found it: locations near St. Moritz also served as headquarters for the villain Blofeld in the novel, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Most romantically, singer-songwriter Peter Sarstedt listed St. Moritz amongst the elite locales in his immortal “Where Do You Go To My Lovely”, its mere mention conveying haute monde elegance.

But St. Moritz supports much more than skiing, golf and other leisure pursuits. Every year, this town welcomes the arts, celebrated with exhibitions, seminars, walks and other attractions. The St. Moritz Arts Masters is an annual gathering of artists and collectors, experts and critics, presenting a rare opportunity for the public to savour the art world in all of its aspects, in a breath-taking Alpine environment.

It is fitting, then, that the representation of the village be both a tool an artist might use – a pen – and an objet d’art embellished with visual representations of St. Moritz itself. To decorate the pens’ barrels, Montegrappa’s designers have chosen four historic posters redolent of St. Moritz’s charms, each image hand-painted by artist Lorena Straffi. The pens are fashioned from celluloid, a costly material made from cotton fibre mixed with natural pigments and mother-of-pearl, and are further adorned with either sterling silver or 18K gold.

Montegrappa’s new St. Moritz collection encompasses four themes, represented by period posters of timeless appeal:

• Automobile Week 1929, by Baumberger – encapsulated in the image of a sleek red racing car heading toward the mountains at great speed

• Grosses Ski Rennen der Schweiz (Big Swiss Ski Race) 1911, by Kupfer – with a pensive skier pondering the race in which he is about to compete

• Tea time by the Engadin lake 1920, by Stiefel – showing the restful aspects of St. Moritz, as an elegant resort

• Woman in a red jacket 1925, by Daester – redolent of the great Art Deco period during which it was created

The 2012 St. Moritz Limited Edition comprises 300 fountain pens and 300 rollerballs with sterling silver trim and a special limited edition of eight fountain pens and eight roller balls with solid 18K gold trim per design. Your Montegrappa St. Moritz pen will serve as a permanent, evocative reminder of Switzerland’s jewel of a resort every time it touches paper.

All Montegrappa writing instruments are guaranteed against any manufacturing defect for 24 months from the date of purchase. Any part of this pen with a minor manufacturing defect discovered by our authorised customer service department will be repaired or replaced under warranty.

To benefit from the international guarantee, simply present the international guarantee certificate, correctly filled in by one of our authorised dealers, complete with stamp and date, to one of the Montegrappa service centres.


在其旅程开始一个多世纪后,Montegrappa 仍然始终热衷于纸张与人类思想之间亲密的、近乎神奇的关系。 没有什么比一张白纸更神秘的了,一张白纸虽然价值不大,但在其灵魂中却蕴藏着宝贵的希望。我们中的许多人都熟悉当想法自由流动时所获得的炼金术般的感觉,当笔和纸给我们带来像黄金一样宝贵的奖励时的那些神奇时刻。 当然,这些财富是如何获得的是另一回事,只有少数鉴赏家才能理解,尤其是那些将毕生精力奉献给世界上最非凡的书写工具的工匠们。 Montegrappa 为权势人物、远见卓识者和热情的作家服务的百年经验告诉我们,当委托一支能够提高其品质的笔时,手能够表达美德。 在巴萨诺德尔格拉帕 (Bassano del Grappa),在意大利最古老的钢笔工厂中,设计了许多型号,这些型号后来成为奢华书写文化的标准。传统和对精湛工艺的崇敬是我们发送到世界各地的每一件产品的核心;但始终定义我们灵魂的是对文化、当代设计和先进技术的热情。 在不断探索我们手艺的界限的过程中,我们通过将古老的书写艺术原理与使它们更加迷人的新思想融合在一起,增强了这种炼金术的潜力。结果是惊人的:毕竟,留下印记是任何拥有 Montegrappa 钢笔的人的愿望。 我们这些欣赏文字的人都知道忠实地参与并在纸上精巧地表达出来的满足感。在写作中——就像在设计中一样——优雅不是一种特定的风格或存在方式,而是知道哪些想法应该丢弃哪些应该保留的艺术。 诺贝尔奖获得者欧内斯特·海明威这样描述他干巴巴的、粗暴有效的风格: “你所要做的就是写一个真实的句子。 写下你知道的最真实的句子。 海明威在第一次世界大战期间使用 Montegrappa 生产的第一批钢笔来写作。这位年轻的作家驻扎在美国红十字会的营房里,对他周围发生的事情非常敏感,他发现自己住在 Bassano del Grappa,与历史悠久的 Montegrappa 总部位于同一片土地上。 1917 年,便携式笔代表了一项轰动一时的技术创新,这种工具让前线士兵与因冲突而四分五裂的家人之间建立了重要联系。 我们只能想知道欧内斯特海明威今天会在这个数字时代做些什么,过度丰富的文字使它们变得毫无意义。现代社会主张时间的绝对价值,为计时而创造的仪器支配着天文事务,而设计用于计时的仪器也越来越稀少。 据说现在笔越来越少用了。可以肯定的是,无论在哪里使用,钢笔都具有额外的价值。 Montegrappa 书写工具并非旨在代表与过去的怀旧联系,远非如此:它们旨在为知识渊博、富有洞察力的作家提供放慢时间的神奇和现代奢华。
Model / Type
St Moritz - Big Swiss Ski Race (Limited Edition/300) (ISSML3SB)
Late 20th century
纤维素, .750 (18k)黄金, .925 银
作为新的 - 未使用
0 in
0 in
M - Medium

229 条评价 (154 过去的12个月)
  1. 152
  2. 1
  3. 1

Een mooi vulpotlood. Alles goed verzorgd.


Penna splendida, Montegrappa è una sicurezza, sicuramente farò altri acquisti, grazie +++++++


ottimo sito Montegrappa, penna perfetta, come da descrizione, altamente da consigliare e spero di fare ulteriori acquisti!!!!



Very happy with my purchase & very well packed, quick delivery. Easy to recommend this Montegrappa.



Малко по-бавна от очакваното доставка, но иначе без проблем, като качество на поръчката.



Superbe comme d'habitude, et envoi rapide: merci



These wonderful writing instruments for the moment are my favourite gift - this our 3rd one all packaged well and delivered promptly and all appreciated



First class item from a first class company.



Stupenda, l'ho tra le mani ed più bella di quanto avevo visto nelle foto. Complimenti.



Sono contentissimo del mio acquisto. Grazie di tutto



Wonderful pen, quick delivery, very professional seller, highly recommended !



Espectacular la pluma, la caja, y todo el contenido. Lástima de un pequeño picazo en el lacado que tiene la caja en una esquina.



Once again - Super fast delivery and a wonderful Pen - one that sets the recipient apart from the norm - I am positive it will give many years of pleasure -



Another amazing writing instrument. Costumer care and attention to detail.



Beautiful pens both, swift shipping, very happy, thank you.



Penna perfetta. Spedizione iperveloce. Che altro si può desiderare acquistando un oggetto?



beautiful pen Superfast delivery ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ seller



spedizione veloce , imballo curato, confezione molto bella ,penna bellissima.



Spedizione rapidissima, oggetti ben protetti nella confezione ed esattamente come in foto e descrizione. Penne meravigliose! Super soddisfatto



bellissima penna perfetta come la descrizione



bellissima e perfetta in tutte le sue parti.grazie




229 条评价 (154 过去的12个月)
  1. 152
  2. 1
  3. 1

Een mooi vulpotlood. Alles goed verzorgd.
