编号 92817701

武士刀 - 风景黄铜锷,真鍮地风景図锷,江户时代,61x55x4.4mm 88g - 日本 - Edo Period (1600-1868)
Thick brass Tsuba. Comes with box.
Ships within 5 business days. A delivery company cannot be specified.
Age and author cannot be guaranteed unless a certificate is attached.
It is old, but may have been repaired in the modern era.
Product prices do not include various taxes. The total amount including shipping will be the declared amount at the time of shipping.
In rare cases the tracking status is not updated in your country, please help us investigate.
Please contact us if you have any questions.
编号 92817701

武士刀 - 风景黄铜锷,真鍮地风景図锷,江户时代,61x55x4.4mm 88g - 日本 - Edo Period (1600-1868)
Thick brass Tsuba. Comes with box.
Ships within 5 business days. A delivery company cannot be specified.
Age and author cannot be guaranteed unless a certificate is attached.
It is old, but may have been repaired in the modern era.
Product prices do not include various taxes. The total amount including shipping will be the declared amount at the time of shipping.
In rare cases the tracking status is not updated in your country, please help us investigate.
Please contact us if you have any questions.