编号 92773591

Bang & Olufsen - 罕见的 Beomaster 3400“四声道”,状况极佳,近乎全新 - 固态立体声接收器
编号 92773591

Bang & Olufsen - 罕见的 Beomaster 3400“四声道”,状况极佳,近乎全新 - 固态立体声接收器
Very rare, absolutely gorgeous beomaster 3400, in near mint condition.
The Beomaster 3400 was the centrepiece of B&O’s quadraphonic Hi-Fi system. Simpler and cheaper than the previous Beomaster 6000 4channel, the 3400 nevertheless offered better performance, though luxury extras like power operated touch controls and remote operation were not included.
The Beomaster 3400 was based on the Beomaster 2000, a slim, elegant unit capable of excellent performance. When looking at the two together, it is clear from the details of construction that it was always the intention to offer a quadraphonic version, though the Beomaster 2000 was launched some years before the 3400.