编号 92392377
宾得 SMC Pentax-FA 100mm f/3.5 Macro 针孔相机
编号 92392377
宾得 SMC Pentax-FA 100mm f/3.5 Macro 针孔相机
SMC Pentax-FA 100mm f/3.5 Macro Prime Lens
Brand: Pentax
Model: SMC Pentax-FA 100mm f/3.5 Macro
Made in: Japan
Length: 70-200mm
Maximum Aperture: f/3.5
Mount Type: Pentax K
Focus Type: Auto & Manual
Filter Diameter: 49mm
Serial Number: 3864505
SKU: 11D19-SM3-K2
Front lens: Good Condition
Rear lens: Good Condition
Focus ring: Good Condition
Hardware : Almost in good condition and Used Sign
Testing with the Pentax k-r shows that focus (auto & Manual) functions work perfectly .
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