Madeira Andara Glass thanks its warm cognac/whisky colour to iron inclusions and the attributed effects of this also called 'Angel Of Light' or 'Golden or Red Healer' or 'Madeira Quartz' are:

The ‘Stone of Synchronicity’, offers a very grounded yet intuitive energy, that helps you to bring balance, stability and focus in life. This Cognac-coloured Madeira Andara, brings you to a state of stillness as it is needed, in order to open the mind to intuition and focusses you on the present and the future using this sense as well as being grounded at the same time.

This stone is very good for those who lead a hectic life. Madeira Andaras break down this hectic life into separate stages, so that one can focus on each to see clearly what is really necessary.
Angel Of Light Madeira Andara brings warmth and comfort, and is a very good stone for building up your selfestime and confidence.

This is also a very good stone to help in the treatment of sleep disorders. The energy it contains is able to bring one to a deep, relaxed and soothed state. It can be used to absorb toxin and negative energy from the body, and also from the atmosphere.

Often used by professional healers, shamans, during meditation and spiritual practise, because Angel Of Light Madeira Andara is a very gentle, powerful and caring stone for everyone!

Madeira Andara Glass thanks its warm cognac/whisky colour to iron inclusions and the attributed effects of this also called 'Angel Of Light' or 'Golden or Red Healer' or 'Madeira Quartz' are:

The ‘Stone of Synchronicity’, offers a very grounded yet intuitive energy, that helps you to bring balance, stability and focus in life. This Cognac-coloured Madeira Andara, brings you to a state of stillness as it is needed, in order to open the mind to intuition and focusses you on the present and the future using this sense as well as being grounded at the same time.

This stone is very good for those who lead a hectic life. Madeira Andaras break down this hectic life into separate stages, so that one can focus on each to see clearly what is really necessary.
Angel Of Light Madeira Andara brings warmth and comfort, and is a very good stone for building up your selfestime and confidence.

This is also a very good stone to help in the treatment of sleep disorders. The energy it contains is able to bring one to a deep, relaxed and soothed state. It can be used to absorb toxin and negative energy from the body, and also from the atmosphere.

Often used by professional healers, shamans, during meditation and spiritual practise, because Angel Of Light Madeira Andara is a very gentle, powerful and caring stone for everyone!

550 g
112 mm
73 mm
64 mm

16 条评价 (16 过去的12个月)
  1. 12
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  3. 2

Il pezzo è segnato in più parti ed essendo vetro si vedono subito le graffiante peccato.


Mooie stukken Andara!


Pièce magnifique. Emballage soigné, vendeur rapide et efficace je recommande


Merci beaucoup!

Bijzonder stuk. Ben er erg blij mee.


Many scratches and damages that were not visible on the photos provided (but fotoshoped). Overall poor condition of the lot and relation as a Madeira Andara Crystal is also questionable to me.


kristal goed ontvangen, dank je wel, groetjes.


De zijkant is donker geverfd dat stond er niet bij in de beschrijving. en de verf zit ook op de voor en achterkant uitgelopen. Beetje jammer om het dan n uniek stuk te noemen


Hartelijk dank voor uw reactie. Wij betreuren, dat u niet helemaal tevreden bent. Wat betreft de geverfde zijkant moeten we opmerken, dat vrijwel ALLE amethistgeodes of delen van geodes aan de buitenkant donkergroen tot zwart worden geverfd. Net als u zouden wij dat graag anders zien, maar de mijnexploitanten doen dat wereldwijd zo. Omdat dit 'donker verven' van geodes een zo algemeen bekend en gangbaar procedé is, hebben wij het niet apart vermeld. Hoewel wij het woord 'uniek' nergens in de tekst hebben gebruikt, is het niettemin wel van toepassing op dit stuk, aangezien er geen tweede van in de wereld bestaat. Wij hopen dat u toch zult kunnen genieten van dit mooie stuk, dat u voor een billijke prijs heeft kunnen winnen in de veiling! Wellicht wilt u ook zo aardig zijn, om uw beoordeling te heroverwegen! Met vriendelijke groet!

Super schöner Stein und gut verpackt


het mineraal goed ontvangen, top, dank je wel, groetjes.


Fijn te horen! Ook bedankt voor je aankoop en veel pezier er van! Groetjes terug

Beoordeling wat lager. Niet alle gegeven afmetingen kloppen, de afzender reageert niet. De kleur is veel minder intens is en beschadigingen veel sterker zichtbaar. Verder een mooie Andarra en blij mee


Prachtig stuk. Nog mooier dan op de foto’s!


Beautiful products. Thank you for good service. Sorry for late reaction.


16 条评价 (16 过去的12个月)
  1. 12
  2. 2
  3. 2

Il pezzo è segnato in più parti ed essendo vetro si vedono subito le graffiante peccato.



某些宝石和矿石被认为是对人体的健康和精神有益的吉祥物。 但是,使用或佩戴宝石或矿石并不意味着您可以治疗、痊愈或预防任何疾病。 请咨询您的卫生保健专业人员以获取有关医疗保健问题的详细信息,并且请勿在未咨询您的卫生保健专业人员之前停止使用任何药物治疗或疗程。 使用宝石或矿石作为健康疗法是个人选择中的一项。 虽然自古以来石头或水晶被用于缓解或预防症状,但我们网站上出售的物品不提供疗效的保证。 因此,Catawiki 不能保证或对在此出售的类似物品的有效性承担任何责任。

某些宝石和矿石被认为是对人体的健康和精神有益的吉祥物。 但是,使用或佩戴宝石或矿石并不意味着您可以治疗、痊愈或预防任何疾病。 请咨询您的卫生保健专业人员以获取有关医疗保健问题的详细信息,并且请勿在未咨询您的卫生保健专业人员之前停止使用任何药物治疗或疗程。 使用宝石或矿石作为健康疗法是个人选择中的一项。 虽然自古以来石头或水晶被用于缓解或预防症状,但我们网站上出售的物品不提供疗效的保证。 因此,Catawiki 不能保证或对在此出售的类似物品的有效性承担任何责任。