For the Mac-fan who finally wants to add a "Quadra 840AV" to his/her collection. Any mac-fan knows that a "840AV" is getting impossibly hard-to-find in 2024. Especially not in working order (recapped) and in this good state. This is an unique opportunity to re-live the glory days and engineering marvel for its vintage industrial design of the early to mid 1990s.

You are bidding on a remarkable and valuable "conversation piece" for the Creative Industry and a museum piece. Are you ready for this excellent conversation piece?


The "Quadra 840AV" is the single most lustworthy vintage Mac on most mac-fan's wishlist, and not only because it's the fastest 68k Mac Apple made. Sure, you can accelerate other machines beyond it. But there's something magical about the 840AV in my eyes. And I must say, what a fine machine we have here …

PS/ The "Quadra 840AV" still holds the title of the fastest 68040 Mac Apple ever released.


The "Quadra 840AV" was released in July 1993 and another nifty addition is the "digital signal processor" which delivers the AV power of the Quadra 840 AV's name … and give it video input and video output capabilities (view or capture video from a VCR, laser disc, or camrecorder). You can also connect directly to a (vintage) TV. Furthermore. The Mac also have advanced audio possibilities.

I have a lot of history with this Mac. The graphic design studeio/ advertising company I worked for … got one of these – and the speed back then was quite spectacular. Playing high resolution video on computers these days isn't a big deal, but back then most computers would struggle with any video larger then 320x240 pixels.

I started seriously collecting vintage Macs about 10 years ago, and the "Quadra 840AV" has always been right at the top of my most-wanted-list. Unfortunately the price of vintage Macs gets steeper every year and there are barely any 840's to find. So if you want to invest wisely … this is your chance.


– DUST: the inside of a 30-year-old computer looks the same as "the collection-container of a vacuum cleaner" (read: a dust bunny). And as you know "dust" can ruin your electronics;

– LEAKS: 30-year-old batteries will someday leak, causing irreversible damage to the computer. The battery is replaced by a brand new battery;

– REFURBISHED: the cd-rom drive is refurbished and works like a charm;

- RECAPPED: the leaky SMD capacitors on the logic board were repaired (warning: on vintage Macs, further leakage is the result, if you fail to replace leaking electrolyte in a timely manner). In this "Quadra 840AV" all the infamous nasty electrolytic caps have been replaced.

Long-Story Short. Computers from other vendors may look the same on the outside. I can guarantee you that the inside is very different! So if you want to enjoy your investment for as long as possible, choosing "wisely" is advisable.


The following RARE software (and games) are installed on the hard disk:
This 100 % working, professionally checked “Vintage” bundle includes “working software*”.

>> the freshly installed nineties-software (All English versions) on this retro-machine are "historical-correct". Back-then, I used this software in a Belgian "Advertising Agency".

PS/ the new owner can decide if he/she installs another operating system and another language (vintage software is to be find "online").

Operating System:
MAC OS 7.5 (English version)

Installed software:

– Photoshop 3.0 (English version);
– Illustrator 7.0 (English version);
– Pagemaker 6.0 (English version);
– Microsoft Office, incl. Word, Excell and Powerpoint.

> PS: this "Quadra 840AV" is fairly loaded up with RAM, to use the installed applications.

>> Disclaimer:
The computer only includes software & games that is classified as "abandonware" (= from the Public Domain, distributed over the internet and available freely, easily and readily). The software is supplied "free of charge" as a free service (for the retro-computing fan).


The "Quadra 840AV" has very brittle plastics – and is to be considered NEVER TO BE SHIPPED by any circumstances. But because the most of the CataWiki-buyers are worldwide-buyers I will make the exception.

But please be reassured. The 840 AV will safely wrapped with lots of protecting foam around – so that it will survive a bomb blast ;) The disadvantage of that? You need to take your time to unpack very carefully. Remember. This is a museum item!

PS/ I advise Belgian and Dutch buyers to (don't take any chances and) pick up this item up at my place. A good conversation and welcoming Italian coffee will be ready!


Most "Quadra 840AVs" I came across (during the last two decades) were destroyed. E.g. croocky, ugly, with bezels missing parts, lots of cracked plastics, really yellowed (back then smoking was allowed in office), etc.

Therefore. You'll find it a treat to find this "Quadra 840AV" in such nice condition.

But please don't open the case if its'n not really necessary (and only do this … if you are an experience vintage-mac-restaurer – and want to bit the bullet). Because chances are high that you'll break some parts … and plastic crumbles to bits.

Enjoy it (repaired and fully working) and avoid the heartbreak.

The inner part of the plastic cage of this computer has some very tiny (and pointy) missing pieces of plastic (that broke of during the reparation proces … what is to be considered quite normal). Please check the detailled pictures to make your own judgment.

The power-on button is still (and rarely) in one piece (but I need to be honest … It will one day just will be to go as well (also that is "normal"). Luckily you can start this type of vintage Mac with a ADB keyboard.

FYI: the power on button can be wanky at times (temperatures?). Therefore I usually start-up the computer with the keyboard.

PS/ reproducing plastic parts (like the power-on button) can nowadays easily be done with a 3D-printer.


It has the caddy CD-ROM bezel (see pictures). I rest my case ;)

PS/ and the CD is fully working (I used it to perform a clean install of the operating system and install the applications)! The connoisseurs know how "rare" this is!


There is only one minor issue.

This "Quadra 840AV" misses the "floppy drive" inside. However, a "1.44MB Apple FDHD SuperDrive" is fairly easy to find online – if you think you need it. My advise however is to attach an external floppy drive (in the rare cases you need this prehistorical storage solution). Tip: I have one external floppy drive (that I use for all my vintage Macs).


First-of-all. Please have realistic expectations when buying a vintage (retro) computer.
>> This is NOT a modern machine!

Because it seems like lately all I have are newbies "retrocomputing fans" with unrealistic expectations I give you a warning beforehand. It's advisable to search the internet before placing any bids. ;)

– This computer was build in 1993 … so it looks as a (museum) item of the "nineties"
(remember: 30 years old!).

As these are "vintage items", they are being sold as. Normal signs of use and wear. But as an experienced connoisseur I can guarantee that these items are in VERY GOOD condition (always keeping in mind their age). The numerous images are part of the meticulous description. Thus: judge yourself! Be aware: pictures can sometimes give a more positive look-and-feel then reality.

All mechanical parts make more noice than you are use to, compared with modern equipment. But this is “normal” behavior. Obviously this is a more-then-30-years old machine. The speed is therefore corresponding.

In addition, the few QUADRA's that are typically sold have several cracks. This specimen has no single crack in the outside plastic. That's extremely unique!

Some words on the yellowing.

Old computer cases are made of ABS plastics which contain at that time "bromine". The element bromine reacts over the time of years with UV light and causes some (not-always-even) "yellowing".

The good news however. Because this computer was located in a clean, smoke-free environment of an advertising company (with little UV light), the plastic has remained quite "gray" (compared to peer-Quadra-computers).


– there are "normal signs of use" (which are to be expected with a device of this age). PS/ some tiny scratches, discolouration (and other ware-out) are difficult to capture on picture (but they are there … thus: please have realistic expectations!). You also need to be careful with the plastics (> plastic becomes brittle after more-than-30-years and can break easily). Thus: HANDLE with both love & care.

But as an experienced connoisseur I can guarantee that these items are very good to excellent condition!

This bundle includes:

– the QUADRA 840 AV* (with working 100% Hard Disc and upgraded RAM ).


This Quadra bundle ONLY include "the fastest Macintosh 68k-Tower" > without CRT screen, mouse, keyboard, software disks or other accessories. But I can help you with this optional items if you like.

The pictures of CRT screen, mouse, keyboard, etc are for illustration purpose only (and to demonstrate the good working).

The QUADRA 840 AV is packaged securely and carefully for safe shipment. Moreover, the QUADRA is shipped INSURED because of its precious value. Because of the precious content extra attention is paid to the CUSTOM packaging. This extra cost is included in the shipping price.

"One More Thing"
– Steve Jobs quote

Don't miss this unique opportunity.
Great opportunities don't come everyday!

Let the bidding begin … for this legendary 1993 FASTEST 68K MAC ever made.

"One More Thing"
When in doubt, check my positive customer reviews – ;)
(… because there are some "copycats" out there who copy my style and pretend to be me).
There is only one "VISENTO"! That's me ;)


老式“Macintosh Restorer”和“Apple Passionista”。 因为不是所有东西都可以更换!

For the Mac-fan who finally wants to add a "Quadra 840AV" to his/her collection. Any mac-fan knows that a "840AV" is getting impossibly hard-to-find in 2024. Especially not in working order (recapped) and in this good state. This is an unique opportunity to re-live the glory days and engineering marvel for its vintage industrial design of the early to mid 1990s.

You are bidding on a remarkable and valuable "conversation piece" for the Creative Industry and a museum piece. Are you ready for this excellent conversation piece?


The "Quadra 840AV" is the single most lustworthy vintage Mac on most mac-fan's wishlist, and not only because it's the fastest 68k Mac Apple made. Sure, you can accelerate other machines beyond it. But there's something magical about the 840AV in my eyes. And I must say, what a fine machine we have here …

PS/ The "Quadra 840AV" still holds the title of the fastest 68040 Mac Apple ever released.


The "Quadra 840AV" was released in July 1993 and another nifty addition is the "digital signal processor" which delivers the AV power of the Quadra 840 AV's name … and give it video input and video output capabilities (view or capture video from a VCR, laser disc, or camrecorder). You can also connect directly to a (vintage) TV. Furthermore. The Mac also have advanced audio possibilities.

I have a lot of history with this Mac. The graphic design studeio/ advertising company I worked for … got one of these – and the speed back then was quite spectacular. Playing high resolution video on computers these days isn't a big deal, but back then most computers would struggle with any video larger then 320x240 pixels.

I started seriously collecting vintage Macs about 10 years ago, and the "Quadra 840AV" has always been right at the top of my most-wanted-list. Unfortunately the price of vintage Macs gets steeper every year and there are barely any 840's to find. So if you want to invest wisely … this is your chance.


– DUST: the inside of a 30-year-old computer looks the same as "the collection-container of a vacuum cleaner" (read: a dust bunny). And as you know "dust" can ruin your electronics;

– LEAKS: 30-year-old batteries will someday leak, causing irreversible damage to the computer. The battery is replaced by a brand new battery;

– REFURBISHED: the cd-rom drive is refurbished and works like a charm;

- RECAPPED: the leaky SMD capacitors on the logic board were repaired (warning: on vintage Macs, further leakage is the result, if you fail to replace leaking electrolyte in a timely manner). In this "Quadra 840AV" all the infamous nasty electrolytic caps have been replaced.

Long-Story Short. Computers from other vendors may look the same on the outside. I can guarantee you that the inside is very different! So if you want to enjoy your investment for as long as possible, choosing "wisely" is advisable.


The following RARE software (and games) are installed on the hard disk:
This 100 % working, professionally checked “Vintage” bundle includes “working software*”.

>> the freshly installed nineties-software (All English versions) on this retro-machine are "historical-correct". Back-then, I used this software in a Belgian "Advertising Agency".

PS/ the new owner can decide if he/she installs another operating system and another language (vintage software is to be find "online").

Operating System:
MAC OS 7.5 (English version)

Installed software:

– Photoshop 3.0 (English version);
– Illustrator 7.0 (English version);
– Pagemaker 6.0 (English version);
– Microsoft Office, incl. Word, Excell and Powerpoint.

> PS: this "Quadra 840AV" is fairly loaded up with RAM, to use the installed applications.

>> Disclaimer:
The computer only includes software & games that is classified as "abandonware" (= from the Public Domain, distributed over the internet and available freely, easily and readily). The software is supplied "free of charge" as a free service (for the retro-computing fan).


The "Quadra 840AV" has very brittle plastics – and is to be considered NEVER TO BE SHIPPED by any circumstances. But because the most of the CataWiki-buyers are worldwide-buyers I will make the exception.

But please be reassured. The 840 AV will safely wrapped with lots of protecting foam around – so that it will survive a bomb blast ;) The disadvantage of that? You need to take your time to unpack very carefully. Remember. This is a museum item!

PS/ I advise Belgian and Dutch buyers to (don't take any chances and) pick up this item up at my place. A good conversation and welcoming Italian coffee will be ready!


Most "Quadra 840AVs" I came across (during the last two decades) were destroyed. E.g. croocky, ugly, with bezels missing parts, lots of cracked plastics, really yellowed (back then smoking was allowed in office), etc.

Therefore. You'll find it a treat to find this "Quadra 840AV" in such nice condition.

But please don't open the case if its'n not really necessary (and only do this … if you are an experience vintage-mac-restaurer – and want to bit the bullet). Because chances are high that you'll break some parts … and plastic crumbles to bits.

Enjoy it (repaired and fully working) and avoid the heartbreak.

The inner part of the plastic cage of this computer has some very tiny (and pointy) missing pieces of plastic (that broke of during the reparation proces … what is to be considered quite normal). Please check the detailled pictures to make your own judgment.

The power-on button is still (and rarely) in one piece (but I need to be honest … It will one day just will be to go as well (also that is "normal"). Luckily you can start this type of vintage Mac with a ADB keyboard.

FYI: the power on button can be wanky at times (temperatures?). Therefore I usually start-up the computer with the keyboard.

PS/ reproducing plastic parts (like the power-on button) can nowadays easily be done with a 3D-printer.


It has the caddy CD-ROM bezel (see pictures). I rest my case ;)

PS/ and the CD is fully working (I used it to perform a clean install of the operating system and install the applications)! The connoisseurs know how "rare" this is!


There is only one minor issue.

This "Quadra 840AV" misses the "floppy drive" inside. However, a "1.44MB Apple FDHD SuperDrive" is fairly easy to find online – if you think you need it. My advise however is to attach an external floppy drive (in the rare cases you need this prehistorical storage solution). Tip: I have one external floppy drive (that I use for all my vintage Macs).


First-of-all. Please have realistic expectations when buying a vintage (retro) computer.
>> This is NOT a modern machine!

Because it seems like lately all I have are newbies "retrocomputing fans" with unrealistic expectations I give you a warning beforehand. It's advisable to search the internet before placing any bids. ;)

– This computer was build in 1993 … so it looks as a (museum) item of the "nineties"
(remember: 30 years old!).

As these are "vintage items", they are being sold as. Normal signs of use and wear. But as an experienced connoisseur I can guarantee that these items are in VERY GOOD condition (always keeping in mind their age). The numerous images are part of the meticulous description. Thus: judge yourself! Be aware: pictures can sometimes give a more positive look-and-feel then reality.

All mechanical parts make more noice than you are use to, compared with modern equipment. But this is “normal” behavior. Obviously this is a more-then-30-years old machine. The speed is therefore corresponding.

In addition, the few QUADRA's that are typically sold have several cracks. This specimen has no single crack in the outside plastic. That's extremely unique!

Some words on the yellowing.

Old computer cases are made of ABS plastics which contain at that time "bromine". The element bromine reacts over the time of years with UV light and causes some (not-always-even) "yellowing".

The good news however. Because this computer was located in a clean, smoke-free environment of an advertising company (with little UV light), the plastic has remained quite "gray" (compared to peer-Quadra-computers).


– there are "normal signs of use" (which are to be expected with a device of this age). PS/ some tiny scratches, discolouration (and other ware-out) are difficult to capture on picture (but they are there … thus: please have realistic expectations!). You also need to be careful with the plastics (> plastic becomes brittle after more-than-30-years and can break easily). Thus: HANDLE with both love & care.

But as an experienced connoisseur I can guarantee that these items are very good to excellent condition!

This bundle includes:

– the QUADRA 840 AV* (with working 100% Hard Disc and upgraded RAM ).


This Quadra bundle ONLY include "the fastest Macintosh 68k-Tower" > without CRT screen, mouse, keyboard, software disks or other accessories. But I can help you with this optional items if you like.

The pictures of CRT screen, mouse, keyboard, etc are for illustration purpose only (and to demonstrate the good working).

The QUADRA 840 AV is packaged securely and carefully for safe shipment. Moreover, the QUADRA is shipped INSURED because of its precious value. Because of the precious content extra attention is paid to the CUSTOM packaging. This extra cost is included in the shipping price.

"One More Thing"
– Steve Jobs quote

Don't miss this unique opportunity.
Great opportunities don't come everyday!

Let the bidding begin … for this legendary 1993 FASTEST 68K MAC ever made.

"One More Thing"
When in doubt, check my positive customer reviews – ;)
(… because there are some "copycats" out there who copy my style and pretend to be me).
There is only one "VISENTO"! That's me ;)


老式“Macintosh Restorer”和“Apple Passionista”。 因为不是所有东西都可以更换!
The FASTEST 68K MAC ever made: Tower Mac QUADRA 840av (incl. CADDY CD-ROM)

146 条评价 (29 过去的12个月)
  1. 27
  2. 0
  3. 2

Alles top verlopen ! 👌💯


Awful experience at all levels. The iMac that I received seems completely refurbished. Don't get impressed by the "fluffy" description and photos of the item. In the end, they will blame the carrier!


Dear Bruno. This is not an honest review and you know that! We did our best to make you a happy costumer. Why do you forget to mention the little detail, that you agreed to a "huge discount" of both sides (me, the seller and CataWiki). You got this historical iMac for almost "nothing". You could have had a FULL REFUND (you didn't). Anyway. I wish you lots of fun with this historical item. Best Regards, Stefano [VISENTO]

Werkt goed , precies een nieuwe laptop , en men kan er dvd laten afspelen , meer had ik niet nodig


Mint condition, true collector’s item. Great cure in the packaging!


very fast delivery,imac works perfect.First time the package has so good. thank you very much.


Friendly person. Works professionally. Takes care of the items he sells and puts his heart and soul into it. Very satisfied. Thank you.


Friendly person. Works professionally. Takes care of the items he sells and puts his heart and soul into it. Very satisfied. Thank you.


Visento, iMac in prima staat ontvangen. Zeer goed verpakt en snel geleverd. Ben er zeer content mee. TOPPIE 👍😊👍 !


Object helemaal zoals beschreven. Verpakt om stormen te doorstaan. Je merkt meteen dat deze verkoper een passie heeft voor Apple :-)


Stefano is betrouwbaar en levert uitsluitend goede kwaliteit. Dit is de 2e iMac G3 die ik heb gekocht bij hem. Alles stond klaar voor inspectie toen ik de iMac kwam ophalen, alsook de koffie! TOP


Dankjewel voor de lovende woorden Arie! Nog DRIE iMacs te gaan en jouw waardevolle collectie is compleet. Hopelijk kan ik je daarmee helpen! Groetjes, Stefano [VISENTO]

Full transparency, and really great care with the package. If you're looking for an Apple collectible, don't lose your sight on this seller.


Mooie laptop! Fijne verkoper!


Le colis est arrivé en bon état et très bien emballé pour le protéger suffisamment. je vais le brancher afin de profité de ce moment vintage ;-))). Merci


As usual with Visento, everything was perfect


Computer vlot geleverd, goed verpakt, keurig schoon en in uitstekende staat!


Like always, good fast safe and Professionallllll, yess thanks 🙏


Thanks for the delivery. Nice quality and good condition. Thanks for chocolates as well!!


Thank you for the nice collection experience, and most of all for preserving a wonderful classic Mac!


Wederom een perfecte service, zeer snel verstuurd en in prima conditie ontvangen. Computer werkt direct en de omschrijving op Catawiki klopt helemaal. Visento is een topper.


Uitstekend verpakt en conform afspraak snel opgestuurd. Toen ik een vraag had werd er snel gehandeld. Zeer tevreden!


Perfectly protected packing and I know that this wasn't easy, I love the time machine I received yesterday, thanks a lot Visento!


The computer was extremely well packaged and arrived without damages. It matched the description and pictures and Visento was honest about what is working or not. I am satisfied with the purchase.


Absolument parfait. Emballage top. Merci beaucoup 👍👍👍👍


On the picture it is said: "plastic = MINT condition" but it is absolutely not ! Lot of scratches everywhere. It was not the computer from the pictures. And the seller says that mint = good... NO !


Let me please reassure you. I sell iMacs for a very long time. And believe me when I say that this iMac is in MINT condition. You will not (easily) find better ones in this price segment. So … you did a good investment. Furthermore. I always advise buyers of the flaws. See the ad text: There are "normal signs of use" (which are to be expected with a device of this age). I would say this iMac is in "very good" to "excellent" condition. As to be expected, "the items" shows signs of "wear and tear", such as tiny scratches and scuffs. There are "normal signs of use" (which are to be expected with a device of this age). But as an experienced connoisseur I can guarantee that these items are in good condition! There is NO discoloration and there are NO cracks in the plastics. PS/ some tiny scratches (and other ware-out) are difficult to capture on picture (but they are there … thus: please have realistic expectations!).


146 条评价 (29 过去的12个月)
  1. 27
  2. 0
  3. 2

Alles top verlopen ! 👌💯
