编号 85616955

中国,清朝。. Daoguang. 1 Cash Year 8 (1829)  (没有保留价)
€ 15

中国,清朝。. Daoguang. 1 Cash Year 8 (1829) (没有保留价)

23. ACCA ,XF, 清宣宗-道光通寶當五, 阿克蘇局, 罕見背八年五, 少見紅錢 中國清道光皇帝承繼承平的嘉慶帝之後,國家雖和平但已經開始有西洋文化進入中國,中國的國家危機逐漸顯現,因此道光通寶不若康雍乾盛世那樣的精美,也因此留存於後世的道光通寶,要找到漂亮品相是很難的。 而道光通寶中有2種新疆的版式極為稀少,這枚是罕見的阿克蘇局版式,而且不是一般小平錢,是5元新疆紅錢,新疆位處西邊,向來是中國在政治歷史及地理區域上很有爭議之處,戰爭多,因此能包存下來的錢幣少、品相又如此漂亮,又是道光錢,真的很難得,請藏家們切勿錯過。 23. ACCA, XF, Qing Xuanzong-Daoguang Tongbao Dang 5, Aksu Bureau, Rare Back Eight Years 5, Rare Red Money After the Daoguang Emperor of the Qing Dynasty inherited the Jiaqing Emperor of Ping, although the country was peaceful, Western culture had begun to enter China, and China's national crisis gradually appeared, so the Daoguang Tongbao was not as exquisite as the prosperous era of Kang Yongqian, and therefore the Daoguang Tongbao that remained in later generations, it is difficult to find a beautiful appearance. There are 2 kinds of Xinjiang layouts in Daoguang Tongbao is extremely rare, this is a rare Aksu bureau layout, and it is not an ordinary small flat coin, it is 5 yuan Xinjiang red money, Xinjiang is located in the west, it has always been a very controversial place in China's political history and geographical area, there are many wars, so there are few coins that can be saved, and the quality is so beautiful, and it is Daoguang money, it is really rare, please do not miss the collectors. 也在此提醒您,有時部分商品會需要繳付關稅,請您記得繳稅方能取得藏品。 Please also be reminded that sometimes some items will need to pay customs duty, please remember to pay taxes before you can get the collection. 法國客人請留意,因奧運緣故,寄至法國的包裹會需要比較多時間。 French guests should be reminded that due to the Olympic Games, it will take more time for parcels to be sent to France. 詳細資料請上ACCA官網查詢,若您還在賣場上競標,可告訴我晚一點寄出。義大利及葡萄牙的客人請注意,寄往義大利及葡萄牙的郵件,通常收到時間都比較久,請您耐心等候,或是考慮提供其他國家的地址給我也可以,謝謝。 Please check For more information, please check the ACCA official website, if you are still bidding in the store, you can tell me to send it later. For guests from Italy and Portugal, please note that it usually takes a long time to receive mail to Italy and Portugal, so please be patient or consider providing me with an address from another country, thank you.

编号 85616955

中国,清朝。. Daoguang. 1 Cash Year 8 (1829)  (没有保留价)

中国,清朝。. Daoguang. 1 Cash Year 8 (1829) (没有保留价)

23. ACCA ,XF, 清宣宗-道光通寶當五, 阿克蘇局, 罕見背八年五, 少見紅錢
23. ACCA, XF, Qing Xuanzong-Daoguang Tongbao Dang 5, Aksu Bureau, Rare Back Eight Years 5, Rare Red Money
After the Daoguang Emperor of the Qing Dynasty inherited the Jiaqing Emperor of Ping, although the country was peaceful, Western culture had begun to enter China, and China's national crisis gradually appeared, so the Daoguang Tongbao was not as exquisite as the prosperous era of Kang Yongqian, and therefore the Daoguang Tongbao that remained in later generations, it is difficult to find a beautiful appearance.
There are 2 kinds of Xinjiang layouts in Daoguang Tongbao is extremely rare, this is a rare Aksu bureau layout, and it is not an ordinary small flat coin, it is 5 yuan Xinjiang red money, Xinjiang is located in the west, it has always been a very controversial place in China's political history and geographical area, there are many wars, so there are few coins that can be saved, and the quality is so beautiful, and it is Daoguang money, it is really rare, please do not miss the collectors.
Please also be reminded that sometimes some items will need to pay customs duty, please remember to pay taxes before you can get the collection.
French guests should be reminded that due to the Olympic Games, it will take more time for parcels to be sent to France.
Please check For more information, please check the ACCA official website, if you are still bidding in the store, you can tell me to send it later. For guests from Italy and Portugal, please note that it usually takes a long time to receive mail to Italy and Portugal, so please be patient or consider providing me with an address from another country, thank you.






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