编号 85278373

德国, 帝国, 德国, 普鲁士. Wilhelm I. (1861-1888). Vereinsthaler 1867A  (没有保留价)
€ 65

德国, 帝国, 德国, 普鲁士. Wilhelm I. (1861-1888). Vereinsthaler 1867A (没有保留价)

01.ACCA, MS-61, 1871A German States Prussia, William I, 1 Thaler 威廉一世是德意志帝國第一任皇帝,在位期間力行軍事改革,奠定俾斯麥將軍後來的戰爭與軍事作為,是一位較為政治中立的君王。 這枚銀幣正反面人像都很立體清晰,幣紋清楚漂亮,帶著漂亮銀光,分數高達61分,是一枚很值得收藏的銀幣,請藏家們切勿錯過。 101.ACCA, MS-63, 1871A German States Prussia, William I, 1 Thaler Wilhelm I was the first emperor of the German Empire, and during his reign, he carried out military reforms and laid the foundation for General Bismarck's later war and military actions, and was a relatively politically neutral king. The front and back of this silver coin are three-dimensional and clear, the coin pattern is clear and beautiful, with a beautiful silver light, and the score is as high as 61 points, which is a very collectible silver coin, please do not miss it. 也在此提醒您,有時部分商品會需要繳付關稅,請您記得繳稅方能取得藏品。 Please also be reminded that sometimes some items will need to pay customs duty, please remember to pay taxes before you can get the collection. 法國客人請留意,因奧運緣故,寄至法國的包裹會需要比較多時間。 French guests should be reminded that due to the Olympic Games, it will take more time for parcels to be sent to France. 詳細資料請上ACCA官網查詢,若您還在賣場上競標,可告訴我晚一點寄出。義大利及葡萄牙的客人請注意,寄往義大利及葡萄牙的郵件,通常收到時間都比較久,請您耐心等候,或是考慮提供其他國家的地址給我也可以,謝謝。 Please check For more information, please check the ACCA official website, if you are still bidding in the store, you can tell me to send it later. For guests from Italy and Portugal, please note that it usually takes a long time to receive mail to Italy and Portugal, so please be patient or consider providing me with an address from another country, thank you.

编号 85278373

德国, 帝国, 德国, 普鲁士. Wilhelm I. (1861-1888). Vereinsthaler 1867A  (没有保留价)

德国, 帝国, 德国, 普鲁士. Wilhelm I. (1861-1888). Vereinsthaler 1867A (没有保留价)

01.ACCA, MS-61, 1871A German States Prussia, William I, 1 Thaler
101.ACCA, MS-63, 1871A German States Prussia, William I, 1 Thaler
Wilhelm I was the first emperor of the German Empire, and during his reign, he carried out military reforms and laid the foundation for General Bismarck's later war and military actions, and was a relatively politically neutral king.
The front and back of this silver coin are three-dimensional and clear, the coin pattern is clear and beautiful, with a beautiful silver light, and the score is as high as 61 points, which is a very collectible silver coin, please do not miss it.
Please also be reminded that sometimes some items will need to pay customs duty, please remember to pay taxes before you can get the collection.
French guests should be reminded that due to the Olympic Games, it will take more time for parcels to be sent to France.
Please check For more information, please check the ACCA official website, if you are still bidding in the store, you can tell me to send it later. For guests from Italy and Portugal, please note that it usually takes a long time to receive mail to Italy and Portugal, so please be patient or consider providing me with an address from another country, thank you.






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