指物の説明 (軍の旗) Description of the Sashimono (Military Flag)

時代 period:
日本、江戸時代中期(1615年~1868年)Japan, Mid Edō period (1615年~1868年).

状態 Condition:
Good condition with some light soiling and few small tears, particularly along the edges.

評価 Rating:
超高品質 Chō kō hinshitsu/Super-high-quality

サイズ Size:
旗: 69 x 40 cm, 枠 80 x 50 cm.
Flag: 69 x 40 cm, Frame 80 x 50 cm.

鑑定 Kantei Registration:
2021 年 10 月 10 日付けの日本兜甲冑研究保存協会 (NKBKHK) からの真贋証明書が付属しており、現在のロットが貴重な工芸品であることを証明します。
Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from the Association for the Research and Preservation of Japanese Helmets and Armor (The Nihon Katchu Bugu Kenkyu Hozon Kai—NKBKHK) dated 10 October 2021, which certifies the present lot as a valuable/precious artifact.

旗の絵の説明 Explanation of the flag picture:
The silk banner of Shihanbata/Sashimono form, hemmed to one side, with a horizontal pale blue-green stripe against white ground with the character 内 containing the sagarifuji (“falling wisteria”) mon, associated with the Fujiwara clan, the top corner with the character 大.
追加情報 Additional Information:

Battle flags were used by Samurai to identify their troops when engaged in battle or during processions. The military flag was carried with a bamboo frame attached to the back of the 鎧 Yoroi Japanese armour.
歴史 History:
The Fujiwara clan, associated with this flag, are descendants of the Nakatomi clan, and according to legend, were an influential clan of Japanese regents through their ancestral god, Amenokoyane. The Fujiwara clan flourished from ancient times and ruled the imperial court until the Meiji Restoration in 1868, holding the title of vassal.

指物の説明 (軍の旗) Description of the Sashimono (Military Flag)

時代 period:
日本、江戸時代中期(1615年~1868年)Japan, Mid Edō period (1615年~1868年).

状態 Condition:
Good condition with some light soiling and few small tears, particularly along the edges.

評価 Rating:
超高品質 Chō kō hinshitsu/Super-high-quality

サイズ Size:
旗: 69 x 40 cm, 枠 80 x 50 cm.
Flag: 69 x 40 cm, Frame 80 x 50 cm.

鑑定 Kantei Registration:
2021 年 10 月 10 日付けの日本兜甲冑研究保存協会 (NKBKHK) からの真贋証明書が付属しており、現在のロットが貴重な工芸品であることを証明します。
Accompanied by a certificate of authenticity from the Association for the Research and Preservation of Japanese Helmets and Armor (The Nihon Katchu Bugu Kenkyu Hozon Kai—NKBKHK) dated 10 October 2021, which certifies the present lot as a valuable/precious artifact.

旗の絵の説明 Explanation of the flag picture:
The silk banner of Shihanbata/Sashimono form, hemmed to one side, with a horizontal pale blue-green stripe against white ground with the character 内 containing the sagarifuji (“falling wisteria”) mon, associated with the Fujiwara clan, the top corner with the character 大.
追加情報 Additional Information:

Battle flags were used by Samurai to identify their troops when engaged in battle or during processions. The military flag was carried with a bamboo frame attached to the back of the 鎧 Yoroi Japanese armour.
歴史 History:
The Fujiwara clan, associated with this flag, are descendants of the Nakatomi clan, and according to legend, were an influential clan of Japanese regents through their ancestral god, Amenokoyane. The Fujiwara clan flourished from ancient times and ruled the imperial court until the Meiji Restoration in 1868, holding the title of vassal.

18 - 19世纪
指物 (军事旗) Sashimono (军事旗), 武士
690×400×0,1 mm