卖家反馈<!-- --> - Catawiki


自 Thu Jul 04 2024 00:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)起, 是Catawiki的会员,收到 2条评价反馈 (过去12个月共2 条)

  • user-d78311885c84

    Vielen Dank für diesen schönen Ring. Nach anfänglichen Schwierigkeiten bezüglich des Transportes ist es dem Verkäufer gelungen, diese zu bewerkstelligen.


    Thank you so much for your kindness and positive feedback. I really appreciate your patience and beautiful heart <3

  • user-802c26886ef4

    I just want to say to another People here - Beware of this seller and his auctions. If the price is too low they cancel it after paying. I am rude? I paid for your ring almost 200 euro. No words.


    I cant argue with the rude buyer who is lieing through their teeth. Sorry but I can’t stoop to low levels. You can be mean and rude, its your own call. PS: people are smart enough to know and understand that some buyers like you are rude and mean and look for an opportunity to start a dispute with the seller and leave negative feedback for no reason. You used very harsh words while i explained my situation to you nicely. Its not good to be so mean so Please mind your language when you go so low towards the sellers. Your way of talking is derogatory. Sellers are also humans and they are selling products not their dignity. Auction has many options and one of the options is to have the right to keep the minimum price. And don’t go below the belt. Keep basic courtesy. I hope you remain civil and kind to other sellers