A very powerful and spectacular Katana produced by Iganokami Kinmichi(伊賀守金道), with a very well matched golden Tsuka koshirae.

【About Iganokami Kinmichi(伊賀守金道)】
Iganokami Kinmichi(伊賀守金道) is one of the most representative swordsmiths of the Edo period and plays a major role in the history of Japanese swords.

In 1593, he moved with his father and his three younger brothers from Noshu Seki (modern-day Gifu Prefecture) to Kyoto, where he became the eldest brother of the family and greatly enhanced the name of the “Sampinha(三品派)” school.

The “Sanpin school,” which originated from Kinmichi, was a school that flourished unrivaled in Kyoto during the Edo period (1603-1868), surpassing even the school of Kunihiro Horikawa(堀川国広).

Kinmichi was later appointed iga no kami (伊賀守). This was an official rank given by the government to swordsmiths of exceptional merit. In the same year, he was appointed by Sekihaku Nijo Haruyoshi(関白二条晴良) to the post of kinri-goyo(禁裏御用), a position that allowed him to send goods directly to the emperor.

Kinmichi was the swordsmith who won the most trust from the government during the Edo period.

Furthermore, Kinmichi was granted the one and only title of “Nihon Kaji Sosho(日本鍛冶惣匠)” and swordsmiths were required to become apprentices of Kinmichi when they received official positions from the Imperial Court. All in all, he was a very famous figure in the sword world.

Koshirae is another major highlight of this product. In addition to the golden Tsuka, the Saya is also vibrant.
Tsuba : Ingenious Design. excellent quality
Habaki : great quality

The condition of the blade is good. The blade shows minor scratches in places that appear to have been sustained in actual combat.

Koshirae Full length: 96.5cm
TOTAL Length : 86.5cm
Blade length: 68.1cm
Motohaba : 2.9cm
Motokasane : 0.8cm
Weight : 0.6kg
Sori: 1.5cm

【Attention before bid】
This is a truly domestic Japanese sword that has never left Japan. To export, an export permit must be obtained from the Agency for Cultural Affairs, which takes about 25 business days. We would appreciate your patience.

Export of Japanese swords from Japan to other countries is restricted. Depending on the situation of the shipping company and your country of residence, it may not be possible to ship. We will of course do our best to send the item, but if no carrier is available, we have no choice but to cancel the transaction. (So far we have been able to transport them without any problems in most cases.)

Regardless of the carrier's situation, China and Russia are banned from importing Japanese swords.

Säljarens berättelse

Vi väljer noggrant ut och köper värdefulla svärd från den japanska professionella antikmarknaden. Vi skulle bli mer än glada om människor över hela världen kunde njuta av den riktiga Katana. Masamune Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission
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A very powerful and spectacular Katana produced by Iganokami Kinmichi(伊賀守金道), with a very well matched golden Tsuka koshirae.

【About Iganokami Kinmichi(伊賀守金道)】
Iganokami Kinmichi(伊賀守金道) is one of the most representative swordsmiths of the Edo period and plays a major role in the history of Japanese swords.

In 1593, he moved with his father and his three younger brothers from Noshu Seki (modern-day Gifu Prefecture) to Kyoto, where he became the eldest brother of the family and greatly enhanced the name of the “Sampinha(三品派)” school.

The “Sanpin school,” which originated from Kinmichi, was a school that flourished unrivaled in Kyoto during the Edo period (1603-1868), surpassing even the school of Kunihiro Horikawa(堀川国広).

Kinmichi was later appointed iga no kami (伊賀守). This was an official rank given by the government to swordsmiths of exceptional merit. In the same year, he was appointed by Sekihaku Nijo Haruyoshi(関白二条晴良) to the post of kinri-goyo(禁裏御用), a position that allowed him to send goods directly to the emperor.

Kinmichi was the swordsmith who won the most trust from the government during the Edo period.

Furthermore, Kinmichi was granted the one and only title of “Nihon Kaji Sosho(日本鍛冶惣匠)” and swordsmiths were required to become apprentices of Kinmichi when they received official positions from the Imperial Court. All in all, he was a very famous figure in the sword world.

Koshirae is another major highlight of this product. In addition to the golden Tsuka, the Saya is also vibrant.
Tsuba : Ingenious Design. excellent quality
Habaki : great quality

The condition of the blade is good. The blade shows minor scratches in places that appear to have been sustained in actual combat.

Koshirae Full length: 96.5cm
TOTAL Length : 86.5cm
Blade length: 68.1cm
Motohaba : 2.9cm
Motokasane : 0.8cm
Weight : 0.6kg
Sori: 1.5cm

【Attention before bid】
This is a truly domestic Japanese sword that has never left Japan. To export, an export permit must be obtained from the Agency for Cultural Affairs, which takes about 25 business days. We would appreciate your patience.

Export of Japanese swords from Japan to other countries is restricted. Depending on the situation of the shipping company and your country of residence, it may not be possible to ship. We will of course do our best to send the item, but if no carrier is available, we have no choice but to cancel the transaction. (So far we have been able to transport them without any problems in most cases.)

Regardless of the carrier's situation, China and Russia are banned from importing Japanese swords.

Säljarens berättelse

Vi väljer noggrant ut och köper värdefulla svärd från den japanska professionella antikmarknaden. Vi skulle bli mer än glada om människor över hela världen kunde njuta av den riktiga Katana. Masamune Tokyo Metropolitan Public Safety Commission
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Dynastisk stil/period
Edoperioden (1600-1868)
0,8 cm
86,5 cm
Iganokami Kinmichi(伊賀守金道)
Koshirae, svärdväska
2,9 cm
Sold with stand
Total längd
86,5 cm
Uppskattad tidsperiod

5 recensioner (2 de sidste 12 måneder)
  1. 2
  2. 0
  3. 0

Serious and reactive seller, had doubts at first when I saw the few evaluations, but there you’ll have the proof that quality is better than quantity. Would totally recommend!

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5 recensioner (2 de sidste 12 måneder)
  1. 2
  2. 0
  3. 0

Serious and reactive seller, had doubts at first when I saw the few evaluations, but there you’ll have the proof that quality is better than quantity. Would totally recommend!

Se översättning


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