Nr 85731207

Nomen (1974) - In the Dark - XL
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Nomen (1974) - In the Dark - XL

In memory of “Nomen” aka Nuno Reis. Nomen left more then 1700 original canvas and many prints editions. Now the family of Nomen continue his legacy with is artwork for spread his art around the world which is what he wanted and did to spread his love that he left us. Published by Art Disturbers Studios - Cascais - Portugal Artist print artwork from 2024 Printed in Fine art 350 gm Paper - Special edition of 3 copies Artist Stamp Comes with artist certificate of authenticity, represented by Gonçalo Reis (Nomen´s son). Sent in a sturdy tube NOMEN, aka Nuno Reis, was a Pioneer of Graffiti Art in Portugal, since 1989 and unfortunately for the whole art community he died in 2022… All artworks signed by the artist are exclusively unique and special, as there will be no more signatures made by Nomen. Nomen’s art (1974) was born on the streets. He was a pioneer of graffiti in Portugal. The self-taught visual artist’s universe, has been consolidating in a multiplicity and registers since he began to interact with the urban space back in 1989, from the first illegal incursions on trains and walls, to the developed work in a large scale both in expository and institutional environment. Furthermore, Nomen was versatile and prolific, the self-named “style swinger” is renowned by mastering the balance between shapes and colors, may it be on elaborated typographic constructions with a unique dynamic, as well on compositions and photo-realistic portraits where he explores the depuration of elements. Moreover, his work has been presented on innumerous exhibitions, events, and artistic productions both in Portugal and abroad. Participation Mood Indigo Festival Mumbai, India, 2012 Meeting of styles Wiesbaden, Germany, 2010 Meeting of styles Rott fabric Zurich, Switzerland 2011 "Just writing my name" Amsterdam, Holand 2013 Exhibitions: Collective Exhibition/Competion Abel Manta, Gouveia 2005 Bienal Art Sur Panamá - Panamá 2011 Double Trouble Studios - Carcavelos - 2016 Exhibition "All in Wonder" - Egypt's Palace - Oeiras - 2017 Collective Exhibition with Double Trouble Crew, "Wanderlust" - Beit Ha´ir Museum - Tel Avive, Israel – 2018 Participate in “Carroussel du Louvre” Exhibition - Paris, France - 2022

Nr 85731207

Nomen (1974) - In the Dark - XL

Nomen (1974) - In the Dark - XL

In memory of “Nomen” aka Nuno Reis.

Nomen left more then 1700 original canvas and many prints editions. Now the family of Nomen continue his legacy with is artwork for spread his art around the world which is what he wanted and did to spread his love that he left us.

Published by Art Disturbers Studios - Cascais - Portugal

Artist print artwork from 2024

Printed in Fine art 350 gm Paper - Special edition of 3 copies

Artist Stamp

Comes with artist certificate of authenticity, represented by Gonçalo Reis (Nomen´s son).

Sent in a sturdy tube

NOMEN, aka Nuno Reis, was a Pioneer of Graffiti Art in Portugal, since 1989 and unfortunately for the whole art community he died in 2022…
All artworks signed by the artist are exclusively unique and special, as there will be no more signatures made by Nomen.

Nomen’s art (1974) was born on the streets. He was a pioneer of graffiti in Portugal.
The self-taught visual artist’s universe, has been consolidating in a multiplicity and registers since he began to interact with the urban space back in 1989, from the first illegal incursions on trains and walls, to the developed work in a large scale both in expository and institutional environment.

Furthermore, Nomen was versatile and prolific, the self-named “style swinger” is renowned by mastering the balance between shapes and colors, may it be on elaborated typographic constructions with a unique dynamic, as well on compositions and photo-realistic portraits where he explores the depuration of elements. Moreover, his work has been presented on innumerous exhibitions, events, and artistic productions both in Portugal and abroad.


Mood Indigo Festival Mumbai, India, 2012

Meeting of styles Wiesbaden, Germany, 2010

Meeting of styles Rott fabric Zurich, Switzerland 2011

"Just writing my name" Amsterdam, Holand 2013


Collective Exhibition/Competion Abel Manta, Gouveia 2005

Bienal Art Sur Panamá - Panamá 2011

Double Trouble Studios - Carcavelos - 2016

Exhibition "All in Wonder" - Egypt's Palace - Oeiras - 2017

Collective Exhibition with Double Trouble Crew, "Wanderlust" - Beit Ha´ir Museum - Tel Avive, Israel – 2018
Participate in “Carroussel du Louvre” Exhibition - Paris, France - 2022

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