Elegant Japanese Tanto Taguchi Masatsugu NBTHK Hozon.

Unlock the legacy of Tagushi Masatsugu, a master swordsmith from the early showa period born in July 1904 and start making swords in the year 1935 and studied under Kunihira Akihide the O- kisakki. Steeped in history and revered among enthusiasts, this blade stands as a testament to Masatsugu skill,: Masatsugu crafted this Tanto on a auspicious day in oktober in the year of his birth 1979 for Abe Tanetsugu with Unique Characteristics:  The inscription, carved with precision and artistry, adds to the dignified and tasteful allure of the blade. Masatsugu work is scarce,this tanto is special and the O-kisakki is beautiful.
Masatsugu was during the war a Rikugun Jumei Tosho (high ranking swordsmith).
After the war he won the Gold Medal and the Navy Minister's Award, and continued to train his swords even  later he receiving awards such as the Effort Award and the Encouragement Award.
The koshirae is very nice a Kuroro lacquerd scabbard and has nice details.
Blade is in perfect condition

Blade Specifications:

Blade Length: 23.2cm
Warp (Sori): 0.2cm
Type: Tanto
Motogasane: 5.5cm
Period: showa year 1979
Wide at the Kissaki        2.65cm
Country of origin  Saga Prefecture
NBTHK Hozon Certification: This Tanto holds the prestigious NBTHK Hozon certification, acknowledging its exceptional quality This certification solidifies its status as a prized artifact for discerning collectors and enthusiasts.
Cherish the opportunity to own a piece of history  Its rarity, unique craftsmanship.

Säljarens berättelse

Om du fortsätter din jakt på Bushido-stigen och japanska antikviteter, kanske du upptäcker att varje bit du möter bär på en unik berättelse som inbjuder dig att avslöja samurajernas visdom och etos. Genom dessa artefakter kan du skapa en personlig koppling till Bushidos ädla ideal, så att du kan förstå: Heder, disciplin, integritet och lojalitet. Det är vårt sätt att leva som vi delar med dig. Vi hoppas att du gillar din resa in i japansk historia, precis som vi gör. ser fram emot att träffas Webbplats www bushidoshop nl
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Elegant Japanese Tanto Taguchi Masatsugu NBTHK Hozon.

Unlock the legacy of Tagushi Masatsugu, a master swordsmith from the early showa period born in July 1904 and start making swords in the year 1935 and studied under Kunihira Akihide the O- kisakki. Steeped in history and revered among enthusiasts, this blade stands as a testament to Masatsugu skill,: Masatsugu crafted this Tanto on a auspicious day in oktober in the year of his birth 1979 for Abe Tanetsugu with Unique Characteristics:  The inscription, carved with precision and artistry, adds to the dignified and tasteful allure of the blade. Masatsugu work is scarce,this tanto is special and the O-kisakki is beautiful.
Masatsugu was during the war a Rikugun Jumei Tosho (high ranking swordsmith).
After the war he won the Gold Medal and the Navy Minister's Award, and continued to train his swords even  later he receiving awards such as the Effort Award and the Encouragement Award.
The koshirae is very nice a Kuroro lacquerd scabbard and has nice details.
Blade is in perfect condition

Blade Specifications:

Blade Length: 23.2cm
Warp (Sori): 0.2cm
Type: Tanto
Motogasane: 5.5cm
Period: showa year 1979
Wide at the Kissaki        2.65cm
Country of origin  Saga Prefecture
NBTHK Hozon Certification: This Tanto holds the prestigious NBTHK Hozon certification, acknowledging its exceptional quality This certification solidifies its status as a prized artifact for discerning collectors and enthusiasts.
Cherish the opportunity to own a piece of history  Its rarity, unique craftsmanship.

Säljarens berättelse

Om du fortsätter din jakt på Bushido-stigen och japanska antikviteter, kanske du upptäcker att varje bit du möter bär på en unik berättelse som inbjuder dig att avslöja samurajernas visdom och etos. Genom dessa artefakter kan du skapa en personlig koppling till Bushidos ädla ideal, så att du kan förstå: Heder, disciplin, integritet och lojalitet. Det är vårt sätt att leva som vi delar med dig. Vi hoppas att du gillar din resa in i japansk historia, precis som vi gör. ser fram emot att träffas Webbplats www bushidoshop nl
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Dynastisk stil/period
tidig Showa-period
3 cm
3 cm
Konstverkets titel
Tanto Taguchi Masatsugu med NBTHK Hozon
3 cm
Bra skick

68 recensioner (2 de sidste 12 måneder)
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  3. 0

Koshirae is chipped, this was not mentioned in the description or shown in any pictures. I would not have bought it had i seen the chip in the koshirae.

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Pracht item, vakkundige verkoper, weet van de hoed en de rand. Bedankt

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68 recensioner (2 de sidste 12 måneder)
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  2. 1
  3. 0

Koshirae is chipped, this was not mentioned in the description or shown in any pictures. I would not have bought it had i seen the chip in the koshirae.

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