Nr 85268337

Romerska republiken. Anonymous. Bronze Formatum from Central Italy, VI - III centuries B.C. - Ancient world payment pre-coins method.  (Utan reservationspris)
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Romerska republiken. Anonymous. Bronze Formatum from Central Italy, VI - III centuries B.C. - Ancient world payment pre-coins method. (Utan reservationspris)

Roman Republic Æ Bronze Formatum pre-coin T form (21,90 g, 46 mm). Central Italy, around V-III centuries B.C. Ancient world payment pre-coins method (Bronze Formatum), Vecchi pp.20 Material: Æ Bronze cockle shell form with original patina. Date: 5th/3rd. centuries B.C. Good very fine condition. Green original patina. Please see the photos for a better impression. Shipments to destinations outside of Spain (both in the EU and third countries) are subject to the processing of export licenses, but only those from third countries will be charged at a rate of 5%. Shipments are likely to be subject to delays depending on the administrative deadlines derived from the application for export permits process. JGC-267 2024-4764.

Nr 85268337

Romerska republiken. Anonymous. Bronze Formatum from Central Italy, VI - III centuries B.C. - Ancient world payment pre-coins method.  (Utan reservationspris)

Romerska republiken. Anonymous. Bronze Formatum from Central Italy, VI - III centuries B.C. - Ancient world payment pre-coins method. (Utan reservationspris)

Roman Republic

Æ Bronze Formatum pre-coin T form (21,90 g, 46 mm).

Central Italy, around V-III centuries B.C.

Ancient world payment pre-coins method (Bronze Formatum), Vecchi pp.20
Material: Æ Bronze cockle shell form with original patina.
Date: 5th/3rd. centuries B.C.

Good very fine condition. Green original patina.

Please see the photos for a better impression.
Shipments to destinations outside of Spain (both in the EU and third countries) are subject to the processing of export licenses, but only those from third countries will be charged at a rate of 5%.
Shipments are likely to be subject to delays depending on the administrative deadlines derived from the application for export permits process.

JGC-267 2024-4764.

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