Nr 84655733

Senufo - Elfenbenskusten  (Utan reservationspris)
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25 €
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Senufo - Elfenbenskusten (Utan reservationspris)

A Senufo female sculpture, Ivory Coast, region Korhogo, collected in the village Tiebela, standing on her chunky feet, knees slightly bent, wide genitals, opened palmed hands near the protruding stomach, thin abdomen, bulbous breasts, wide shoulders, a thick neck supporting a oval shaped face with delicately carved features of closed mouth, long thin nose and small eyes, the hair is cut short and from the sides of the face are four separate strands like the wings of a butterfly; some aged cracks, traces of use, remnants of ritual patina. Certificate or provenance, provenance Belo Mohamed Garba, Korhogo/Ougadougou.

Nr 84655733

Senufo - Elfenbenskusten  (Utan reservationspris)

Senufo - Elfenbenskusten (Utan reservationspris)

A Senufo female sculpture, Ivory Coast, region Korhogo, collected in the village Tiebela, standing on her chunky feet, knees slightly bent, wide genitals, opened palmed hands near the protruding stomach, thin abdomen, bulbous breasts, wide shoulders, a thick neck supporting a oval shaped face with delicately carved features of closed mouth, long thin nose and small eyes, the hair is cut short and from the sides of the face are four separate strands like the wings of a butterfly; some aged cracks, traces of use, remnants of ritual patina. Certificate or provenance, provenance Belo Mohamed Garba, Korhogo/Ougadougou.

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