Nr 83970579

Originella träblockstryck - Papper - Toshi Yoshida (1911-1995) - "Tsurigane do" 釣鐘堂 (Heirinji Temple Bell) - Japan - Reiwa-perioden (2019-nutid)
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243 €
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Originella träblockstryck - Papper - Toshi Yoshida (1911-1995) - "Tsurigane do" 釣鐘堂 (Heirinji Temple Bell) - Japan - Reiwa-perioden (2019-nutid)

Original woodblock print - Paper - Toshi Yoshida (1911-1995) - "Tsurigane do" 釣鐘堂 (Heirinji Temple Bell) - Japan - Reiwa period (2019 - present) The first edition of this design was published in 1951. The current print is from a posthumous edition, using the original woodblocks. The measurements of the image itself (excluding the margins) are 24.2 x 37.0 cm. Toshi Yoshida (1911-1995) was a member of the famous Japanese Yoshida art family. Having been introduced to art at a young age, he showed talent early on. He made prints both in more classic styles as well as in modern abstract styles. He often displayed animals or traditional Shin-hanga themes. The woodblock print is in excellent condition Will be shipped with great care in sturdy packaging to prevent folding.

Nr 83970579

Originella träblockstryck - Papper - Toshi Yoshida (1911-1995) - "Tsurigane do" 釣鐘堂 (Heirinji Temple Bell) - Japan - Reiwa-perioden (2019-nutid)

Originella träblockstryck - Papper - Toshi Yoshida (1911-1995) - "Tsurigane do" 釣鐘堂 (Heirinji Temple Bell) - Japan - Reiwa-perioden (2019-nutid)

Original woodblock print - Paper - Toshi Yoshida (1911-1995) - "Tsurigane do" 釣鐘堂 (Heirinji Temple Bell) - Japan - Reiwa period (2019 - present)

The first edition of this design was published in 1951. The current print is from a posthumous edition, using the original woodblocks.

The measurements of the image itself (excluding the margins) are 24.2 x 37.0 cm.

Toshi Yoshida (1911-1995) was a member of the famous Japanese Yoshida art family. Having been introduced to art at a young age, he showed talent early on. He made prints both in more classic styles as well as in modern abstract styles. He often displayed animals or traditional Shin-hanga themes.

The woodblock print is in excellent condition

Will be shipped with great care in sturdy packaging to prevent folding.

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