Nr 83486589

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Snäckor - Fossiliserat skal - Campanile giganteum
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7 veckor sedan

Snäckor - Fossiliserat skal - Campanile giganteum

Species: Campanile giganteum and other species Age: Eocene, Lutetian Locality: Marne, France Measurements: c. 44 cm long gastropod Weight: 17.0 kg Fabulous gastropod specimen that would fit very well in a Cabinet of Curiosity. The slab was prepared so as to highlight the large Campanile and the smaller gastropods and bivalves. A completely natural piece with a few small shells glued back to their original position. As in most Campanile specimens, the apex shows natural abrasion linked with the way of life. Wonderul colors, all natural. Matrix stabilized.

Nr 83486589

Inte längre tillgänglig
Snäckor - Fossiliserat skal - Campanile giganteum

Snäckor - Fossiliserat skal - Campanile giganteum

Species: Campanile giganteum and other species
Age: Eocene, Lutetian
Locality: Marne, France

Measurements: c. 44 cm long gastropod
Weight: 17.0 kg

Fabulous gastropod specimen that would fit very well in a Cabinet of Curiosity. The slab was prepared so as to highlight the large Campanile and the smaller gastropods and bivalves. A completely natural piece with a few small shells glued back to their original position.

As in most Campanile specimens, the apex shows natural abrasion linked with the way of life.
Wonderul colors, all natural. Matrix stabilized.

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