Nr. 92056587

Pierre Garnier (1928-2014) and Ilse Garnier (1927) - Spatialist Poetry / Historic plotter art
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€ 21
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Pierre Garnier (1928-2014) and Ilse Garnier (1927) - Spatialist Poetry / Historic plotter art

Medium: Plotter Print Material: Paper Dimensions: 30 x 30 cm Editor: Edition Panderma, Basel Signature: Signed Provenance: Edition Panderma, Carl Laszlo, Basel Private Collection, Basel Condition / Restauration: good archival condition Further Information: Historic plotter art work / early computer art Pierre Garnier (1928-2014) and Ilse Garnier (born 1927 in Kaiserslautern, Deutschland) are the founders of spatialism, a poetic movement which finds its roots in the works of pioneers Mallarmé, Cummings, and Pound… Founded in the 1950s, spatial poetry was connected to the concrete poetry international movement. The Garniers developed many contacts and projects with concrete poets from all over the world, thus partaking in one of the greatest poetic “Internationale” of the twentieth century. Both are computer art pioneers such as Vera Molnar or Michael Noll.

Nr. 92056587

Pierre Garnier (1928-2014) and Ilse Garnier (1927) - Spatialist Poetry / Historic plotter art

Pierre Garnier (1928-2014) and Ilse Garnier (1927) - Spatialist Poetry / Historic plotter art

Medium: Plotter Print
Material: Paper
Dimensions: 30 x 30 cm
Editor: Edition Panderma, Basel
Signature: Signed

Provenance: Edition Panderma, Carl Laszlo, Basel
Private Collection, Basel

Condition / Restauration:
good archival condition

Further Information:

Historic plotter art work / early computer art

Pierre Garnier (1928-2014) and Ilse Garnier (born 1927 in Kaiserslautern, Deutschland) are the founders of spatialism, a poetic movement which finds its roots in the works of pioneers Mallarmé, Cummings, and Pound… Founded in the 1950s, spatial poetry was connected to the concrete poetry international movement. The Garniers developed many contacts and projects with concrete poets from all over the world, thus partaking in one of the greatest poetic “Internationale” of the twentieth century. Both are computer art pioneers such as Vera Molnar or Michael Noll.

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