Terracotta Mould for making Nefertem God, amulets in faience

- very BIG -

- you see the seal of the amulet in white modlling paste in the images -

Ancient Egypt, Late Period, 664 - 332 BC.


7,5 cm height

Provenance: Private collection, Pairs, France, 1970 - 1980.

Condition: Very good, intact. see photos.

The god of the lotus flower, according to one text born as a plant to the field goddess in the eastern land. The lotus, whose flower shuts at night and opens again in the morning, the flowers of some types even disappearing under water at night, was a symbol of regeneration and the rising sun for the Egyptians. The god was even called 'the great lotus flower who emerges from Nun', thus drawing a parallel with the creator and sun god who also rose out of the primeval waters. According to a different myth, the primeval god emerged from a lotus flower. Thus Nefertem was linked with the sun god. The Pyramid Texts relate that Nefertem once ruled alongside Re, the former over humans and the latter over the gods. In later periods Nefertem still bore the title 'he who protects the Two Lands'. His militant characteristics as the god of light who drives away darkness and the enemies possibly contributed to his association with a lion. In the Memphite triad, Nefertem appears as the son of the lion goddess Sakhmet and Ptah. In other areas he is considered to be the son of Wadjet or of Bastet, probably because these goddesses too, just like Sakhmet, were regarded as lionesses. Nefertem is depicted as a man with a lotus flower on his head, on top of which two feathers can often be seen, and sometimes with a lotus as a sceptre in his hand. There are also depictions of him as the solar child, squatting in the sun's disk. As a result of his association with Sakhmet, he is also sometimes depicted with the head of a lion.

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Terracotta Mould for making Nefertem God, amulets in faience

- very BIG -

- you see the seal of the amulet in white modlling paste in the images -

Ancient Egypt, Late Period, 664 - 332 BC.


7,5 cm height

Provenance: Private collection, Pairs, France, 1970 - 1980.

Condition: Very good, intact. see photos.

The god of the lotus flower, according to one text born as a plant to the field goddess in the eastern land. The lotus, whose flower shuts at night and opens again in the morning, the flowers of some types even disappearing under water at night, was a symbol of regeneration and the rising sun for the Egyptians. The god was even called 'the great lotus flower who emerges from Nun', thus drawing a parallel with the creator and sun god who also rose out of the primeval waters. According to a different myth, the primeval god emerged from a lotus flower. Thus Nefertem was linked with the sun god. The Pyramid Texts relate that Nefertem once ruled alongside Re, the former over humans and the latter over the gods. In later periods Nefertem still bore the title 'he who protects the Two Lands'. His militant characteristics as the god of light who drives away darkness and the enemies possibly contributed to his association with a lion. In the Memphite triad, Nefertem appears as the son of the lion goddess Sakhmet and Ptah. In other areas he is considered to be the son of Wadjet or of Bastet, probably because these goddesses too, just like Sakhmet, were regarded as lionesses. Nefertem is depicted as a man with a lotus flower on his head, on top of which two feathers can often be seen, and sometimes with a lotus as a sceptre in his hand. There are also depictions of him as the solar child, squatting in the sun's disk. As a result of his association with Sakhmet, he is also sometimes depicted with the head of a lion.

Povestea Vânzătorului

NOTE IMPORTANTE: -Suntem un vânzător profesionist. - Toate articolele vândute vor veni cu factura lor profesională. - Toate articolele vândute vor veni cu propriul certificat de autenticitate (document de garanție), inclusiv descrierea, imaginea și proveniența articolului. - Toate articolele vor fi expediate prin curier privat cu asigurare (DHL express, CORREOS din Spania sau altele similare cu număr de urmărire). - Toate articolele atunci când sunt expediate (dacă este necesar) vor fi declarate ca antichități cu o vechime de peste 100 de ani și prețul acestora va fi evaluat. - Pentru expediere în afara UE: Termenul de livrare este supus vămuirii. Răspunderea și reglementările vamale sau cerințele de import aplicabile în țara de destinație sunt responsabilitatea exclusivă a cumpărătorului. Nu suntem responsabili pentru întârzierile cauzate de procedurile vamale. Taxele de import și TVA nu sunt incluse în costurile de transport. Taxa de import sau TVA de plătit depinde de țara de destinație. Plățile oricăror taxe sau orice dispute cu autoritățile vamale sunt responsabilitatea exclusivă a cumpărătorului. - Pentru unele dintre articolele oferite, pentru expediere in afara Uniunii Europene este necesara obtinerea unui Autorizat de Export care va detalia plata de catre cumparator a Taxelor de Export conform legislatiei spaniole. Daca va fi necesar se va mentiona in descrierea articolului, PENTRU CA NU IN TOATE CAZELE ESTE ASA. Aceste taxe se vor adauga in factura, pe cheltuiala cumparatorului. Aceste taxe de export sunt fixate pe prețul final de licitație și cota de impozit nu se aplică direct asupra valorii totale a articolului de exportat, ci mai degrabă i se aplică diferitele procente pe secțiuni: Până la 6.000 euro: 5%. De la 6.001 la 60.000 euro: 10%. Acest proces de solicitare a permisului de export poate dura între 1-2 luni maximum. - Garantam ca a achizitionat aceasta piesa conform tuturor legilor nationale si internationale legate de proprietatea asupra bunurilor culturale.
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Egiptul Antic
Name of object
Mucegaiul mare care face zeița Nefertem, amulete. 7,5 cm D. Perioada târzie, 664 - 33 î.Hr.
Secol/ Interval de timp
Late Period, 664 - 323 BC.
Colecție privată

319 de review-uri (102 în ultimele 12 luni)
  1. 99
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  3. 1

Una preciosa terracota. Como siempre el vendedor profesional y de confianza.

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Parfait ! Merci beaucoup pour le socle, il est très apprécié ;-)

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Mooi beeldje, zorgvuldig ingepakt onbeschadigd ontvangen. ik ben er erg blij mee. Veel dank. Met vriendelijke groet Jurriaan Vleghert

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Der Uschepti wurde sehr schnell verschickt und war sehr sehr gut verpackt. Danke für das wunderschöne Stück.

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Persona seria e corretta che fa fronte alle consegne in brevissimo tempo. Oggetto conforme alle foto pubblicate.

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Oggetto come da foto arrivato in tempi brevissimi e protetto per la spedizione con le dovute cautele.Serietà del venditore. G.

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Ce vendeur est parfait, livraison rapide, les objets sont bien emballés et le transporteur DHL super. L'objet est arrivé en parfait état et la découverte est magnifique et pleine d'émotions. Merci Vi

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Magnifique de travailler avec vous, livraison très rapide, emballage parfait livreur géniaux. L'objet est merveilleux et très émouvant en parfait état. Merci Viviane

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319 de review-uri (102 în ultimele 12 luni)
  1. 99
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  3. 1