Nr. 91645615

Phillipe Halsman/Magnum photos - Yves Montand 1960
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€ 33
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Phillipe Halsman/Magnum photos - Yves Montand 1960

Portrait of Yves Montand in 1960. Produced in Paris by Philippe Halsman of Magnum Photos. print on R.C. satin photo paper. Medium resolution, archive digital print. Later print. Format: 28.5 x 20.7 cm with margins. In very good general condition, label on the back. Presented on a 30 x 24 cm mat card. Philippe Halsman born May 2, 1906, in Riga, and died June 25, 1979 in New York, is an American photographer of Latvian origin, famous for his portraits of personalities and fashion photos. He was part of the famous Magnum agency. His notoriety will come mainly from his technique of photographing his models jumping (jumping) which, according to him, captures the essence of the human being. Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor, Marilyn Monroe, Richard Nixon, the list is long of personalities who will lend to this game…

Nr. 91645615

Phillipe Halsman/Magnum photos - Yves Montand 1960

Phillipe Halsman/Magnum photos - Yves Montand 1960

Portrait of Yves Montand in 1960.
Produced in Paris by Philippe Halsman of Magnum Photos.
print on R.C. satin photo paper.
Medium resolution, archive digital print. Later print.
Format: 28.5 x 20.7 cm with margins.
In very good general condition, label on the back.
Presented on a 30 x 24 cm mat card.

Philippe Halsman born May 2, 1906, in Riga, and died June 25, 1979 in New York,
is an American photographer of Latvian origin, famous for his portraits of personalities and fashion photos.
He was part of the famous Magnum agency.

His notoriety will come mainly from his technique of photographing his models jumping (jumping) which, according to him, captures the essence of the human being. Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor,
Marilyn Monroe, Richard Nixon, the list is long of personalities who will lend to this game…

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