ITEM: Tripod bowl
PERIOD: 1st millenium B.C
DIMENSIONS: 66 mm x 153 mm diameter
CONDITION: Good condition, repaired
PROVENANCE: Ex French private collection, acquired between 1980 - 1990

Comes with Certificate of Authenticity and Export license

If you bid outside the European Union and win the item, we will have to apply for an export licence for your country and shipping will take 3 to 5 weeks.

Iron Age pottery vessels represent a significant advancement in ceramic technology and craftsmanship compared to earlier periods. During the Iron Age, which spanned from around 1200 BC to 500 BC in many regions, pottery production became more standardized and sophisticated. Iron Age pottery vessels were typically handmade using techniques such as coiling, wheel-throwing, or molding, depending on the specific cultural practices and technological capabilities of the time and place.

Iron Age pottery vessels served various purposes in daily life, including cooking, storage, and transportation of goods. These vessels came in a wide range of shapes and sizes, from large storage jars and amphorae used for holding grains, oil, or wine, to smaller bowls, cups, and plates for eating and drinking. Some pottery vessels were decorated with intricate designs, geometric patterns, or stylized motifs, while others were left plain or undecorated, reflecting differences in cultural traditions and aesthetic preferences across different regions and societies.

The study of Iron Age pottery vessels provides valuable insights into ancient societies' economic, social, and cultural dynamics. Pottery sherds found at archaeological sites can reveal information about trade networks, foodways, and technological innovations, as well as changes in settlement patterns and social organization over time.

Povestea Vânzătorului

Anticarul tău oferă artă antică și monede antice. Obiectivul nostru principal este să oferim cea mai înaltă calitate la cel mai bun preț respectând și respectând cu strictețe legile de protecție a patrimoniului și normele de patrimoniu UNESCO. Așadar, toate piesele care se publică provin din colecții private în care se poate verifica proveniența sau licitații internaționale. Toate antichitățile și monedele noastre sunt însoțite de certificatul lor de autenticitate. Avem o politică de returnare fără dispute în 90 de zile. La Your Antiquarian ne angajăm să ajutăm grupurile defavorizate și din acest motiv o parte din fiecare achiziție este donată unor organizații de caritate pentru a ajuta persoanele aflate în nevoie.
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ITEM: Tripod bowl
PERIOD: 1st millenium B.C
DIMENSIONS: 66 mm x 153 mm diameter
CONDITION: Good condition, repaired
PROVENANCE: Ex French private collection, acquired between 1980 - 1990

Comes with Certificate of Authenticity and Export license

If you bid outside the European Union and win the item, we will have to apply for an export licence for your country and shipping will take 3 to 5 weeks.

Iron Age pottery vessels represent a significant advancement in ceramic technology and craftsmanship compared to earlier periods. During the Iron Age, which spanned from around 1200 BC to 500 BC in many regions, pottery production became more standardized and sophisticated. Iron Age pottery vessels were typically handmade using techniques such as coiling, wheel-throwing, or molding, depending on the specific cultural practices and technological capabilities of the time and place.

Iron Age pottery vessels served various purposes in daily life, including cooking, storage, and transportation of goods. These vessels came in a wide range of shapes and sizes, from large storage jars and amphorae used for holding grains, oil, or wine, to smaller bowls, cups, and plates for eating and drinking. Some pottery vessels were decorated with intricate designs, geometric patterns, or stylized motifs, while others were left plain or undecorated, reflecting differences in cultural traditions and aesthetic preferences across different regions and societies.

The study of Iron Age pottery vessels provides valuable insights into ancient societies' economic, social, and cultural dynamics. Pottery sherds found at archaeological sites can reveal information about trade networks, foodways, and technological innovations, as well as changes in settlement patterns and social organization over time.

Povestea Vânzătorului

Anticarul tău oferă artă antică și monede antice. Obiectivul nostru principal este să oferim cea mai înaltă calitate la cel mai bun preț respectând și respectând cu strictețe legile de protecție a patrimoniului și normele de patrimoniu UNESCO. Așadar, toate piesele care se publică provin din colecții private în care se poate verifica proveniența sau licitații internaționale. Toate antichitățile și monedele noastre sunt însoțite de certificatul lor de autenticitate. Avem o politică de returnare fără dispute în 90 de zile. La Your Antiquarian ne angajăm să ajutăm grupurile defavorizate și din acest motiv o parte din fiecare achiziție este donată unor organizații de caritate pentru a ajuta persoanele aflate în nevoie.
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Epoca de Fier
Name of object
Bol trepied
Secol/ Interval de timp
1st millenium B.C
Colecție privată

1762 de review-uri (250 în ultimele 12 luni)
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envio rápido y objeto precioso, con un buen certificado de autenticidad, muy recomendable

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Vielen Dank, super schnelle Lieferung, die Statuette ist Wunderschön. alles Top👌

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Beautiful object. Arrived today and was securely packaged. Many thanks.

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I am very happy with the item received and its quality. I can only recommend this seller further.

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Your Antiquarian is very professional. Items are well packaged and always arrive in perfect condition. Highly recommended for quality and reliability.

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Extraordinario vendedor ya que tiene infinidad de productos. Genial . Muy bien gracias

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Extraordinario productos muy especial este vendedor los envíos muy bien preparados . Muchas gracias.

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Extraordinario vendedor muy buenos productos. Envíos perfectos . Muchas gracias.

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como siempre todo bien, rápido envío y producto de calidad, gracias

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Todo correcto, entregado a tiempo y exactamente como se describía.

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Muy especial, vendedor muy bueno , tiene productos increíbles. Envío perfecto . Nos volveremos a ver . Gracias. Un saludo Ramón

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object well receivef but description and pictures misleading (no possibility to link a chain)

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Muy buen vendedor , todo perfecto envío genial , buenos productos. Gracias

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Tal cual lo comprado ! Muy rápido el envío. Recomendable como siempre .

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1762 de review-uri (250 în ultimele 12 luni)
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