Figure -nice piece-

Tlatilco, Mexico, 1500 - 500 BC.


12,5 cm height.

- Private collection, J. R. (1928 - 2013) Barcelona, formed since 1950 until 1980. Thence by descendent.

- Spanish Export License.

Condition: Intact, good condition, see photos.

The Tlatilco culture arose on the high plains of what is now central Mexico, on the shores of Lake Texcoco. The name ‘Tlatilco’ is the Nahuatl word for “place where things are hidden” or “place of mounds”. This lakeside region offers rich hunting and fishing grounds in a landscape of wooded hills and fertile valleys and a humid, rainy climate.

The most notable Tlatilco artwork are ceramic figurines in human shapes, two kinds of which are known: large hollow figurines painted red, and small solid ones fashioned with remarkable skill and attention to detail. The smaller figurines are of naked young women decked out in elaborate headdresses and short skirts or body paint. Others represent two-headed figures, humpbacked people, and deformed or masked individuals. The Tlatilco figurines depict ceremonial clothing, personages, and people of different social rank, including ball players and contortionists. The culture’s ceramic vessels feature decorated forms with limited use of color. Their most common shapes show clear external influences and include dishes, jars without necks, long-necked bottles, three-legged jars, and bottles with stirrup handles. They also fashioned vessels modeled in the forms of local animals and plants, such as ducks, fish, and squash.

The Tlatilco spread out their burials instead of grouping them together in cemeteries. Bodies were buried directly in the earth, laid out and accompanied by offerings for the afterlife, particularly ceramic figurines. The iconography of Tlatilco grave goods reflects a belief system based on fertility worship, which is most notable in the emphasis on wide hips, breasts, and females in general. Among these early village dwellers, these would have been related to fertility rites associated with agricultural cycles.

The Taltilco emerged from the earlier El Arbolillo and Zacatenco cultures in the Mexico Valley and were influenced by the lowland Olmec people. These influences are expressed in the representations of felines, in the features of many Tlatilco figurines, and throughout the Tlatilco ceramic tradition. The Tlatilco culture disappeared between the 6th and 5th centuries BCE.

- The piece includes authenticity certificate.
- The piece includes Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union). NOT TAXES.
- According to Spanish legislation, items sent outside the European Union are subject to export taxes and will be added to the invoice, at the buyer's expense. These export fees are fixed on the final auction price and the tax rate is not applied directly on the total value of the item to be exported, but rather the different percentages by sections are applied to it:
- Up to 6,000 euros: 5%.
- From 6,001 to 60,000 euros: 10%.
This export permit application process can take between 1-2 months maximum.
- The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

Povestea Vânzătorului

NOTE IMPORTANTE: -Suntem un vânzător profesionist. - Toate articolele vândute vor veni cu factura lor profesională. - Toate articolele vândute vor veni cu propriul certificat de autenticitate (document de garanție), inclusiv descrierea, imaginea și proveniența articolului. - Toate articolele vor fi expediate prin curier privat cu asigurare (DHL express, CORREOS din Spania sau altele similare cu număr de urmărire). - Toate articolele atunci când sunt expediate (dacă este necesar) vor fi declarate ca antichități cu o vechime de peste 100 de ani și prețul acestora va fi evaluat. - Pentru expediere în afara UE: Termenul de livrare este supus vămuirii. Răspunderea și reglementările vamale sau cerințele de import aplicabile în țara de destinație sunt responsabilitatea exclusivă a cumpărătorului. Nu suntem responsabili pentru întârzierile cauzate de procedurile vamale. Taxele de import și TVA nu sunt incluse în costurile de transport. Taxa de import sau TVA de plătit depinde de țara de destinație. Plățile oricăror taxe sau orice dispute cu autoritățile vamale sunt responsabilitatea exclusivă a cumpărătorului. - Pentru unele dintre articolele oferite, pentru expediere in afara Uniunii Europene este necesara obtinerea unui Autorizat de Export care va detalia plata de catre cumparator a Taxelor de Export conform legislatiei spaniole. Daca va fi necesar se va mentiona in descrierea articolului, PENTRU CA NU IN TOATE CAZELE ESTE ASA. Aceste taxe se vor adauga in factura, pe cheltuiala cumparatorului. Aceste taxe de export sunt fixate pe prețul final de licitație și cota de impozit nu se aplică direct asupra valorii totale a articolului de exportat, ci mai degrabă i se aplică diferitele procente pe secțiuni: Până la 6.000 euro: 5%. De la 6.001 la 60.000 euro: 10%. Acest proces de solicitare a permisului de export poate dura între 1-2 luni maximum. - Garantam ca a achizitionat aceasta piesa conform tuturor legilor nationale si internationale legate de proprietatea asupra bunurilor culturale.
Tradus cu Google

Figure -nice piece-

Tlatilco, Mexico, 1500 - 500 BC.


12,5 cm height.

- Private collection, J. R. (1928 - 2013) Barcelona, formed since 1950 until 1980. Thence by descendent.

- Spanish Export License.

Condition: Intact, good condition, see photos.

The Tlatilco culture arose on the high plains of what is now central Mexico, on the shores of Lake Texcoco. The name ‘Tlatilco’ is the Nahuatl word for “place where things are hidden” or “place of mounds”. This lakeside region offers rich hunting and fishing grounds in a landscape of wooded hills and fertile valleys and a humid, rainy climate.

The most notable Tlatilco artwork are ceramic figurines in human shapes, two kinds of which are known: large hollow figurines painted red, and small solid ones fashioned with remarkable skill and attention to detail. The smaller figurines are of naked young women decked out in elaborate headdresses and short skirts or body paint. Others represent two-headed figures, humpbacked people, and deformed or masked individuals. The Tlatilco figurines depict ceremonial clothing, personages, and people of different social rank, including ball players and contortionists. The culture’s ceramic vessels feature decorated forms with limited use of color. Their most common shapes show clear external influences and include dishes, jars without necks, long-necked bottles, three-legged jars, and bottles with stirrup handles. They also fashioned vessels modeled in the forms of local animals and plants, such as ducks, fish, and squash.

The Tlatilco spread out their burials instead of grouping them together in cemeteries. Bodies were buried directly in the earth, laid out and accompanied by offerings for the afterlife, particularly ceramic figurines. The iconography of Tlatilco grave goods reflects a belief system based on fertility worship, which is most notable in the emphasis on wide hips, breasts, and females in general. Among these early village dwellers, these would have been related to fertility rites associated with agricultural cycles.

The Taltilco emerged from the earlier El Arbolillo and Zacatenco cultures in the Mexico Valley and were influenced by the lowland Olmec people. These influences are expressed in the representations of felines, in the features of many Tlatilco figurines, and throughout the Tlatilco ceramic tradition. The Tlatilco culture disappeared between the 6th and 5th centuries BCE.

- The piece includes authenticity certificate.
- The piece includes Spanish Export License (Passport for European Union). NOT TAXES.
- According to Spanish legislation, items sent outside the European Union are subject to export taxes and will be added to the invoice, at the buyer's expense. These export fees are fixed on the final auction price and the tax rate is not applied directly on the total value of the item to be exported, but rather the different percentages by sections are applied to it:
- Up to 6,000 euros: 5%.
- From 6,001 to 60,000 euros: 10%.
This export permit application process can take between 1-2 months maximum.
- The seller guarantees that he acquired this piece according to all national and international laws related to the ownership of cultural property. Provenance statement seen by Catawiki.

Povestea Vânzătorului

NOTE IMPORTANTE: -Suntem un vânzător profesionist. - Toate articolele vândute vor veni cu factura lor profesională. - Toate articolele vândute vor veni cu propriul certificat de autenticitate (document de garanție), inclusiv descrierea, imaginea și proveniența articolului. - Toate articolele vor fi expediate prin curier privat cu asigurare (DHL express, CORREOS din Spania sau altele similare cu număr de urmărire). - Toate articolele atunci când sunt expediate (dacă este necesar) vor fi declarate ca antichități cu o vechime de peste 100 de ani și prețul acestora va fi evaluat. - Pentru expediere în afara UE: Termenul de livrare este supus vămuirii. Răspunderea și reglementările vamale sau cerințele de import aplicabile în țara de destinație sunt responsabilitatea exclusivă a cumpărătorului. Nu suntem responsabili pentru întârzierile cauzate de procedurile vamale. Taxele de import și TVA nu sunt incluse în costurile de transport. Taxa de import sau TVA de plătit depinde de țara de destinație. Plățile oricăror taxe sau orice dispute cu autoritățile vamale sunt responsabilitatea exclusivă a cumpărătorului. - Pentru unele dintre articolele oferite, pentru expediere in afara Uniunii Europene este necesara obtinerea unui Autorizat de Export care va detalia plata de catre cumparator a Taxelor de Export conform legislatiei spaniole. Daca va fi necesar se va mentiona in descrierea articolului, PENTRU CA NU IN TOATE CAZELE ESTE ASA. Aceste taxe se vor adauga in factura, pe cheltuiala cumparatorului. Aceste taxe de export sunt fixate pe prețul final de licitație și cota de impozit nu se aplică direct asupra valorii totale a articolului de exportat, ci mai degrabă i se aplică diferitele procente pe secțiuni: Până la 6.000 euro: 5%. De la 6.001 la 60.000 euro: 10%. Acest proces de solicitare a permisului de export poate dura între 1-2 luni maximum. - Garantam ca a achizitionat aceasta piesa conform tuturor legilor nationale si internationale legate de proprietatea asupra bunurilor culturale.
Tradus cu Google
Tlatilco, Mexic,
Name of object
Figura. 12,5 cm H. 1500 - 500 î.Hr. Licență de export spaniolă
Secol/ Interval de timp
1500 - 500 BC.
Colecție privată

306 de review-uri (115 în ultimele 12 luni)
  1. 109
  2. 5
  3. 1

Der Uschepti wurde sehr schnell verschickt und war sehr sehr gut verpackt. Danke für das wunderschöne Stück.

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Persona seria e corretta che fa fronte alle consegne in brevissimo tempo. Oggetto conforme alle foto pubblicate.

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Oggetto come da foto arrivato in tempi brevissimi e protetto per la spedizione con le dovute cautele.Serietà del venditore. G.

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Ce vendeur est parfait, livraison rapide, les objets sont bien emballés et le transporteur DHL super. L'objet est arrivé en parfait état et la découverte est magnifique et pleine d'émotions. Merci Vi

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Magnifique de travailler avec vous, livraison très rapide, emballage parfait livreur géniaux. L'objet est merveilleux et très émouvant en parfait état. Merci Viviane

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Article conforme à la description envoie rapide très bonne communication merci👍

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Article conforme à la description superbe objet bon communication avec le vendeur la seule chose qui peut être regrettable pour cette sorte d'article c'est qu'il n'y a pas de certificat d'authenticité

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Agréablement surpris par la qualité de l'objet. mais j'ai des doutes sur l'authenticité; le collier est monté sur câble d'acier. pas de fermoir... Etonnant pour un objet dit "ancien"...

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Răspunsul Vânzătorului

It's formed with ancient beads, same that all necklaces in other dealers and museums, mounted on modern thread, as is logical

Lovely necklace. Exactly as described and pictured. Well wrapped and packed.I would heartily recommend this seller, and would definitely buy from them again.

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What a remarkable vase. So delicate, so fine! I am very happy with it. It will get a beautiful spot in our livingroom. Thank you very much, Annet

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Produkt noch schöner als auf dem Bild! Immer wieder gerne, schneller Versand, alles einfach top!

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Oggetto pieno di fascino, ottimamente imballato, coerente alla presentazione! Spedizione veloce. Consigliato!

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306 de review-uri (115 în ultimele 12 luni)
  1. 109
  2. 5
  3. 1