Het kunstwerk is gemaakt van porselein, oxiderend gestookt op 1240 C. De wanddikte is ongeveer een millimeter, daardoor is er enige transparantie in het porselein.

Aan de achterzijde zitten meerdere uitsparingen waaraan het werk opgehangen kan worden. Op de foto's met de lichte achtergrond is het kunstwerk in verschillende posities hangend afgebeeld.

Het betreft een uniek handgemaakt object.
De signatuur, in relief, is zichtbaar op de foto's.
De kunstenaar heeft dit werk met twee porseleinen applicaties gesigneerd, een is zijn voornaam en de eerste letter van zijn achternaam, op de andere staan twee Japanse karakters, Raku en Yakimono.

Bij de verzending zal deze kist “box in box” verpakt worden, waarbij de tussenruimte met schokabsorberend milieuvriendelijk materiaal wordt gevuld.

Hans Meeuwsen (1954, The Netherlands) graduated from the Visual Arts Academy in Tilburg to initially become a teacher in visual arts at an upper secondary school. His main specialism was drawing, but he accidentally discovered the potential of clay as a visual arts medium. Rolling, pressing and cutting provided him with little flat clay squares that he used to built cubic shapes looking like hermetically closed cells.
A few years later he received national and international recognition with exhibitions in The Netherlands and Germany. Important works from that time include towers, pyramids and other constructions, some being pure geometric abstractions, others being interpretations of the mythical Tower of Babel. Hans further developped his ceramic skills during residencies at the European Ceramic Work Centre in The Netherlands and working periods in New Zealand, Lithuania and the Japanese Island Hirado.
During the most recent years he has further developped his ceramic skills and works with creamy white wafer-thin slices of porcelain that are mounted into cubes or pyramids. By stacking these geometric shapes in repetitive patterns he creates sculptures that are reminiscent of the Dutch Zero-movement and in particular the works by Jan Schoonhoven, but in the end clearly bears the artists’ own signature. He applies his decades-long experience to create a dialogue between inner and outer space, between geometric and organic, between order and chaos.
Hans Meeuwsen is a “Prix de Rome” nominee of 1987 and a Fletcher Challenge Ceramic merit award winner of 1992 and ever since then his work has found its way to many national and international collections.

De verkoper stelt zich voor
Hans Meeuwsen (1954, The Netherlands) graduated from the Visual Arts Academy in Tilburg to initially become a teacher in visual arts at an upper secondary school. His main specialism was drawing, but he accidentally discovered the potential of clay as a visual arts medium. Rolling, pressing and cutting provided him with little flat clay squares that he used to built cubic shapes looking like hermetically closed cells. A few years later he received national and international recognition with exhibitions in The Netherlands and Germany. Important works from that time include towers, pyramids and other constructions, some being pure geometric abstractions, others being interpretations of the mythical Tower of Babel. Hans further developped his ceramic skills during residencies at the European Ceramic Work Centre in The Netherlands and working periods in New Zealand, Lithuania and the Japanese Island Hirado. During the most recent years he has further developped his ceramic skills and works with creamy white wafer-thin slices of egg-shell porcelain that are mounted into cubes or pyramids. By stacking these geometric shapes in repetitive patterns he creates sculptures that are reminiscent of the Dutch Zero-movement and in particular the works by Jan Schoonhoven, but in the end clearly bears the artists’ own signature. He applies his decades-long experience to create a dialogue between inner and outer space, between geometric and organic, between order and chaos. Hans Meeuwsen is a “Prix de Rome” nominee of 1987 and a Fletcher Challenge Ceramic merit award winner of 1992 and ever since then his work has found its way to many national and international collections.


Povestea Vânzătorului

Hans Meeuwsen (1954, Olanda) a absolvit Academia de Arte Vizuale din Tilburg pentru a deveni inițial profesor în arte vizuale la o școală gimnazială superioară. Principalul său specialism era desenul, dar a descoperit întâmplător potențialul lutului ca mediu de arte vizuale. Rularea, presarea și tăierea i-a furnizat pătrate mici de lut pe care le-a folosit pentru a construi forme cubice care arătau ca niște celule închise ermetic. Câțiva ani mai târziu a primit recunoaștere națională și internațională cu expoziții în Olanda și Germania. Lucrări importante din acea perioadă includ turnuri, piramide și alte construcții, unele fiind abstracte geometrice pure, altele fiind interpretări ale miticului Turn din Babel. Hans și-a dezvoltat în continuare abilitățile de ceramică în timpul reședințelor la Centrul European de Ceramică din Olanda și perioade de lucru în Noua Zeelandă, Lituania și Insula Japoneză Hirado. În ultimii ani, el și-a dezvoltat în continuare abilitățile ceramice și lucrează cu felii subțiri de cremă subțire albă de porțelan de coajă de ou care sunt montate în cuburi sau piramidele. Stivuind aceste forme geometrice în tipare repetitive, el creează sculpturi care amintesc de mișcarea Zero olandez și, în special, de lucrările lui Jan Schoonhoven, dar în final poartă în mod clar semnătura artiștilor. El își aplică experiența de zeci de ani pentru a crea un dialog între spațiul interior și exterior, între geometric și organic, între ordine și haos. Hans Meeuwsen este candidat la "Prix de Rome" din 1987 și câștigător al premiului Meritei Ceramice Fletcher Challenge Ceramic din 1992, iar de atunci munca sa și-a găsit drumul către multe colecții naționale și internaționale.
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Het kunstwerk is gemaakt van porselein, oxiderend gestookt op 1240 C. De wanddikte is ongeveer een millimeter, daardoor is er enige transparantie in het porselein.

Aan de achterzijde zitten meerdere uitsparingen waaraan het werk opgehangen kan worden. Op de foto's met de lichte achtergrond is het kunstwerk in verschillende posities hangend afgebeeld.

Het betreft een uniek handgemaakt object.
De signatuur, in relief, is zichtbaar op de foto's.
De kunstenaar heeft dit werk met twee porseleinen applicaties gesigneerd, een is zijn voornaam en de eerste letter van zijn achternaam, op de andere staan twee Japanse karakters, Raku en Yakimono.

Bij de verzending zal deze kist “box in box” verpakt worden, waarbij de tussenruimte met schokabsorberend milieuvriendelijk materiaal wordt gevuld.

Hans Meeuwsen (1954, The Netherlands) graduated from the Visual Arts Academy in Tilburg to initially become a teacher in visual arts at an upper secondary school. His main specialism was drawing, but he accidentally discovered the potential of clay as a visual arts medium. Rolling, pressing and cutting provided him with little flat clay squares that he used to built cubic shapes looking like hermetically closed cells.
A few years later he received national and international recognition with exhibitions in The Netherlands and Germany. Important works from that time include towers, pyramids and other constructions, some being pure geometric abstractions, others being interpretations of the mythical Tower of Babel. Hans further developped his ceramic skills during residencies at the European Ceramic Work Centre in The Netherlands and working periods in New Zealand, Lithuania and the Japanese Island Hirado.
During the most recent years he has further developped his ceramic skills and works with creamy white wafer-thin slices of porcelain that are mounted into cubes or pyramids. By stacking these geometric shapes in repetitive patterns he creates sculptures that are reminiscent of the Dutch Zero-movement and in particular the works by Jan Schoonhoven, but in the end clearly bears the artists’ own signature. He applies his decades-long experience to create a dialogue between inner and outer space, between geometric and organic, between order and chaos.
Hans Meeuwsen is a “Prix de Rome” nominee of 1987 and a Fletcher Challenge Ceramic merit award winner of 1992 and ever since then his work has found its way to many national and international collections.

De verkoper stelt zich voor
Hans Meeuwsen (1954, The Netherlands) graduated from the Visual Arts Academy in Tilburg to initially become a teacher in visual arts at an upper secondary school. His main specialism was drawing, but he accidentally discovered the potential of clay as a visual arts medium. Rolling, pressing and cutting provided him with little flat clay squares that he used to built cubic shapes looking like hermetically closed cells. A few years later he received national and international recognition with exhibitions in The Netherlands and Germany. Important works from that time include towers, pyramids and other constructions, some being pure geometric abstractions, others being interpretations of the mythical Tower of Babel. Hans further developped his ceramic skills during residencies at the European Ceramic Work Centre in The Netherlands and working periods in New Zealand, Lithuania and the Japanese Island Hirado. During the most recent years he has further developped his ceramic skills and works with creamy white wafer-thin slices of egg-shell porcelain that are mounted into cubes or pyramids. By stacking these geometric shapes in repetitive patterns he creates sculptures that are reminiscent of the Dutch Zero-movement and in particular the works by Jan Schoonhoven, but in the end clearly bears the artists’ own signature. He applies his decades-long experience to create a dialogue between inner and outer space, between geometric and organic, between order and chaos. Hans Meeuwsen is a “Prix de Rome” nominee of 1987 and a Fletcher Challenge Ceramic merit award winner of 1992 and ever since then his work has found its way to many national and international collections.


Povestea Vânzătorului

Hans Meeuwsen (1954, Olanda) a absolvit Academia de Arte Vizuale din Tilburg pentru a deveni inițial profesor în arte vizuale la o școală gimnazială superioară. Principalul său specialism era desenul, dar a descoperit întâmplător potențialul lutului ca mediu de arte vizuale. Rularea, presarea și tăierea i-a furnizat pătrate mici de lut pe care le-a folosit pentru a construi forme cubice care arătau ca niște celule închise ermetic. Câțiva ani mai târziu a primit recunoaștere națională și internațională cu expoziții în Olanda și Germania. Lucrări importante din acea perioadă includ turnuri, piramide și alte construcții, unele fiind abstracte geometrice pure, altele fiind interpretări ale miticului Turn din Babel. Hans și-a dezvoltat în continuare abilitățile de ceramică în timpul reședințelor la Centrul European de Ceramică din Olanda și perioade de lucru în Noua Zeelandă, Lituania și Insula Japoneză Hirado. În ultimii ani, el și-a dezvoltat în continuare abilitățile ceramice și lucrează cu felii subțiri de cremă subțire albă de porțelan de coajă de ou care sunt montate în cuburi sau piramidele. Stivuind aceste forme geometrice în tipare repetitive, el creează sculpturi care amintesc de mișcarea Zero olandez și, în special, de lucrările lui Jan Schoonhoven, dar în final poartă în mod clar semnătura artiștilor. El își aplică experiența de zeci de ani pentru a crea un dialog între spațiul interior și exterior, între geometric și organic, între ordine și haos. Hans Meeuwsen este candidat la "Prix de Rome" din 1987 și câștigător al premiului Meritei Ceramice Fletcher Challenge Ceramic din 1992, iar de atunci munca sa și-a găsit drumul către multe colecții naționale și internaționale.
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După 2000
Hans Meeuwsen
Titlu operei de artă
2024 - 63 Wing
Semnat de mână
Stare excelentă
279 mm
156 mm
36 mm

165 de review-uri (28 în ultimele 12 luni)
  1. 28
  2. 0
  3. 0

Magnifique objet élégant, simple et pure! Le vendeur envoie rapidement et dans un emballage adéquat. Très satisfait de tout!

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Inmiddels 3e werk dat we gekocht hebben. Zou iets moeten zeggen over hoe tevreden we zijn werk en service. Onze dank is wederom groot.

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Prachtig werk. Onverwoestbaar verpakt en zeer snel in huis. Onze dank is zeer groot.

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Snel & zeer goed verpakt! Het is een erg mooi werkje, erg blij met deze aanvulling aan de muur.

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Wederom een prachtig kunstwerkje, snelle verzending en erg goed en veilig ingepakt. Heel erg blij mee.

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Een prachtig kunstwerk. En een zeer vlotte verzending. Veel dank, het werkje krijgt een mooie plaats.

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mooi werk goed verpakt, goed contact gehad met verkoper over verzending. nogmaals dank voor deze.

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Opera bellissima, L ho regalata a mio marito che ha apprezzato tantissimo . Complimenti Grazie Simonetta

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Super stevig verpakt! Heel snelle levering. Mooi werkje! Wij zijn blij!

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165 de review-uri (28 în ultimele 12 luni)
  1. 28
  2. 0
  3. 0

Magnifique objet élégant, simple et pure! Le vendeur envoie rapidement et dans un emballage adéquat. Très satisfait de tout!

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