Replica of the Order of Victory
Highest military order of the USSR, established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 8, 1943, on the establishment of the Order of Victory simultaneously with the Soldiers' Order of Glory. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 18, 1944, the sample and description of the ribbon of the "Victory" order, as well as the order of wearing the ribbon with the ribbon of the order, were approved. There were 20 awards in total and seventeen knights (three awarded twice), one was awarded (posthumously).

Replica of the Order of Victory
Highest military order of the USSR, established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on November 8, 1943, on the establishment of the Order of Victory simultaneously with the Soldiers' Order of Glory. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated August 18, 1944, the sample and description of the ribbon of the "Victory" order, as well as the order of wearing the ribbon with the ribbon of the order, were approved. There were 20 awards in total and seventeen knights (three awarded twice), one was awarded (posthumously).

Replica of the Order of Victory
Ca nou, nepurtat
70 mm
70 mm
10 mm
Metal, Smalț

326 de review-uri (8 în ultimele 12 luni)
  1. 8
  2. 0
  3. 0

Myyjä toiminut ripeästi, valitettavasti Suomen Posti jätti ilmoittamatta lähetyksen saapumisesta minulle,sain sen vasta tänään kahden viikon viiven jälkeen.Tuote oli hyvin pakattu ja top kunnossa.

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Răspunsul Vânzătorului

Well, what can I do here? I can only regret it.

Item very well packaged and delivered quickly. The item is so beautiful and I am very happy.

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Răspunsul Vânzătorului

I am very pleased that you liked the box. Try not to move it on hard surfaces. Since it is a relatively soft substance, scratches may appear. bEST REGARDS. Aleksander.

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326 de review-uri (8 în ultimele 12 luni)
  1. 8
  2. 0
  3. 0

Myyjä toiminut ripeästi, valitettavasti Suomen Posti jätti ilmoittamatta lähetyksen saapumisesta minulle,sain sen vasta tänään kahden viikon viiven jälkeen.Tuote oli hyvin pakattu ja top kunnossa.

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Răspunsul Vânzătorului

Well, what can I do here? I can only regret it.

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Obiectele conţinute în acest lot sunt destinate exclusiv colecţionarilor de obiecte militare-istorice. Proprietarul website-ului nu are niciun motiv politic şi/sau de altă natură decât de a oferi o platformă ce permite celei de-a treia părţi să vândă sau să cumpere loturi la licitaţie, şi nu îşi asumă nicio responsabilitatea cu privire la conţinutul acestora.

Obiectele conţinute în acest lot sunt destinate exclusiv colecţionarilor de obiecte militare-istorice. Proprietarul website-ului nu are niciun motiv politic şi/sau de altă natură decât de a oferi o platformă ce permite celei de-a treia părţi să vândă sau să cumpere loturi la licitaţie, şi nu îşi asumă nicio responsabilitatea cu privire la conţinutul acestora.