Natural Moldavite (49Ct)

Real photos, TOP !!!

Beautiful green color, super quality

Location Chlum, South Bohemia - Czech Republic

I guarantee originality !! No fake, i am a trusted seller.

Moldavite is from my private, long-standing collection.

Hi, allow me to say something about my auctions:

I have been a collector of moldavites from the Czech Republic for a long time now.
I am extremely lucky in that since my childhood I have lived near moldavite deposits in South Bohemia, the richest moldavite region in the country. As a result, I have been fascinated by moldavites for many years.
I am an acknowledged collector and expert in all moldavite-related matters, and provide advice for experienced and beginner collectors.
All the moldavites I auction are 100% originals with a guaranteed origin.
I provide a lifelong guarantee of authenticity for each of the moldavitesI sell.
( nowadays there are an incredible number of fakes, which are sold absolutely everywhere). I can 100% guarantee that the moldavitesI offer are genuine and that I am a trustworthy seller with a long tradition. You can be absolutely sure that the moldaviteyou buy has a clear origin and is an original.
Moldavite is a truly extraordinary creation of nature, and so is hugely popular all over the world. Not only is a piece of moldavite a beautiful and mysterious object shaped by massive destructive forces, but the market has proven this to be a great, growing investment in the long term. It really makes sense to invest money in buying one.

Natural Moldavite (49Ct)

Real photos, TOP !!!

Beautiful green color, super quality

Location Chlum, South Bohemia - Czech Republic

I guarantee originality !! No fake, i am a trusted seller.

Moldavite is from my private, long-standing collection.

Hi, allow me to say something about my auctions:

I have been a collector of moldavites from the Czech Republic for a long time now.
I am extremely lucky in that since my childhood I have lived near moldavite deposits in South Bohemia, the richest moldavite region in the country. As a result, I have been fascinated by moldavites for many years.
I am an acknowledged collector and expert in all moldavite-related matters, and provide advice for experienced and beginner collectors.
All the moldavites I auction are 100% originals with a guaranteed origin.
I provide a lifelong guarantee of authenticity for each of the moldavitesI sell.
( nowadays there are an incredible number of fakes, which are sold absolutely everywhere). I can 100% guarantee that the moldavitesI offer are genuine and that I am a trustworthy seller with a long tradition. You can be absolutely sure that the moldaviteyou buy has a clear origin and is an original.
Moldavite is a truly extraordinary creation of nature, and so is hugely popular all over the world. Not only is a piece of moldavite a beautiful and mysterious object shaped by massive destructive forces, but the market has proven this to be a great, growing investment in the long term. It really makes sense to invest money in buying one.

Numărul de articole
Mineral principal/ Denumirea meteoritului
Formă minerală/ Tipuri de meteoriți
Cluster de cristal
9.9 g
Origine (Regiune/ Oraș))
38 mm
23 mm
8 mm

20 de review-uri (20 în ultimele 12 luni)
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Lot as described and in photos. Well packed and very fast delivered. Nice little gems. Thank you😊👍

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Prima verkoper, echte Moldaviet, goed verpakt en snel verzonden. aanrader.

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A very beautiful piece of Moldavite. Thank you. Fast delivery! Great seller!

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20 de review-uri (20 în ultimele 12 luni)
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Se crede că anumite pietre prețioase și minerale au proprietăți de sănătate și spirituale benefice. Cu toate acestea, utilizarea sau purtarea de pietre prețioase sau minerale nu înseamnă că puteți trata, vindeca sau preveni o boală. Vă rugăm să consultați medicul pentru informații cu privire la problemele de sănătate și nu întrerupeți niciun medicament sau curs de tratament, fără a consulta mai întâi doctorul. Utilizarea pietrelor prețioase sau a mineralelor ca terapie de bunăstare este o alegere personală. În timp ce pietrele sau cristalele au fost utilizate în trecut pentru ameliorarea sau prevenirea simptomelor, obiectele vândute pe site-ul nostru nu oferă nicio garanție de rezultate. Prin urmare, Catawiki nu poate garanta sau răspunde pentru eficacitatea obiectelor vândute aici.