Nr. 85586503

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Meteoritul Huckitta Palazit - 66 g
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Meteoritul Huckitta Palazit - 66 g

polished end-cute of the Huckitta Pallasite. with little free iron In 1924 a meteorite of 1084 grams was found in the Northern Territory of Australia. 13 years later the main mass of 1411 kg was recovered at Huckitta (22°22’S, 135°46’E). Over 900 kilograms of iron shale were also found. This pallasite is a Main Group pallasites, but classified as anomalous, because of its high Ge and Ga contents and lower Au content. This pallasite is severely weathered: almost all of the metal is highly oxidized and transformed mainly into maghemite and goethite, and the olivine crystals are often altered. 43 x 28 x 26 mm international meteorite collector association member #3503

Nr. 85586503

Nu mai este disponibil
Meteoritul Huckitta Palazit - 66 g

Meteoritul Huckitta Palazit - 66 g

polished end-cute of the Huckitta Pallasite.
with little free iron

In 1924 a meteorite of 1084 grams was found in the Northern Territory of Australia. 13 years later the main mass of 1411 kg was recovered at Huckitta (22°22’S, 135°46’E). Over 900 kilograms of iron shale were also found.

This pallasite is a Main Group pallasites, but classified as anomalous, because of its high Ge and Ga contents and lower Au content. This pallasite is severely weathered: almost all of the metal is highly oxidized and transformed mainly into maghemite and goethite, and the olivine crystals are often altered.

43 x 28 x 26 mm

international meteorite collector association member #3503

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