Nr. 85501329

Fuji - Limited Edition A.P. (Artist Proof) and Hand-signed.- 1999 - Kunio Kaneko 金子邦夫 (b 1949) - Japonia
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Fuji - Limited Edition A.P. (Artist Proof) and Hand-signed.- 1999 - Kunio Kaneko 金子邦夫 (b 1949) - Japonia

There are many classical depictions in Japanese hanga art, such as the golden temple in Kyoto or a girl in kimono. One of those classic images is of mount Fuji shown in red; Akafuji. Many hanga artists have made their own Akafuji print. This print is Kunio Kaneko's take on Akafuji, using also his familiar gold leaf and silver coloring technique. The red, gold and silver colors really accentuate each other and give a stunning rich feeling to this print. The finishing touch to this print is the screw at the base of the fan. This screw is embossed on the print. I have encircled this screw in one of the pictures. It shows how serious Kunio Kaneko takes his work and how these little details make the difference for him.

Nr. 85501329

Fuji - Limited Edition A.P. (Artist Proof) and Hand-signed.- 1999 - Kunio Kaneko 金子邦夫 (b 1949) - Japonia

Fuji - Limited Edition A.P. (Artist Proof) and Hand-signed.- 1999 - Kunio Kaneko 金子邦夫 (b 1949) - Japonia

There are many classical depictions in Japanese hanga art, such as the golden temple in Kyoto or a girl in kimono. One of those classic images is of mount Fuji shown in red; Akafuji. Many hanga artists have made their own Akafuji print.

This print is Kunio Kaneko's take on Akafuji, using also his familiar gold leaf and silver coloring technique. The red, gold and silver colors really accentuate each other and give a stunning rich feeling to this print.

The finishing touch to this print is the screw at the base of the fan. This screw is embossed on the print. I have encircled this screw in one of the pictures. It shows how serious Kunio Kaneko takes his work and how these little details make the difference for him.

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