Elegant and well preserved coral.
Includes stand.

Pocillopora damicornis, known as the cauliflower coral or lace coral, is a species of stony coral in the family Pocilloporidae. It is native to tropical and subtropical parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Occurs in all shallow water habitats from exposed reef fronts to mangrove swamps and wharf piles.

- Material: Pocillopora damicornis
- Dimensions: 13,5cm * 12 cm * 10 cm
- age: 1992
- Contidion: Good condition
- weight: 410 g
- Shipping method: Blue Express international mail, price already includes insurance and packaging

NOTE: this is a natural origin product, it was sourced from sand shores, source ethically.
Therefore it might contain traces os sand, seashells.

Elegant and well preserved coral.
Includes stand.

Pocillopora damicornis, known as the cauliflower coral or lace coral, is a species of stony coral in the family Pocilloporidae. It is native to tropical and subtropical parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans.
Occurs in all shallow water habitats from exposed reef fronts to mangrove swamps and wharf piles.

- Material: Pocillopora damicornis
- Dimensions: 13,5cm * 12 cm * 10 cm
- age: 1992
- Contidion: Good condition
- weight: 410 g
- Shipping method: Blue Express international mail, price already includes insurance and packaging

NOTE: this is a natural origin product, it was sourced from sand shores, source ethically.
Therefore it might contain traces os sand, seashells.

După 2000
Conopida Coral
Scientific name
Pocillopora damicornis
Number of items
Country of origin
CITIES relevancy
CITES Anexa II - Anexa B din UE
Stare bună
410 g

26 de review-uri (17 în ultimele 12 luni)
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Conforme à la description ! La vendeuse ma bien conseillé quand j'ai demandé des nouvelles à propos de l'envoi. Très bien !

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Răspunsul Vânzătorului

Thank you for your message :) Have a nice weekend.

Very nice item and fast delivery, but high handling and shipping costs for a parcel of 650g.

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Răspunsul Vânzătorului

The cost are still below the competition. There was also packing and insurance.

shipment well secured, fast delivery, the insect is slightly different from the photo. generally recommend. There was a small gift in the package

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O Nautilus chegou muito bem embalado e já está na coleção. É um belo espécime. Muito obrigado!

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26 de review-uri (17 în ultimele 12 luni)
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