Nr. 84395517

Katie Kelly, Emily Ford - Katie Kelly's and Emily Ford's Pillow Book - 2002-2007
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57 €
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Katie Kelly, Emily Ford - Katie Kelly's and Emily Ford's Pillow Book - 2002-2007

Outrageous collection of rude stories and sensuous images selected by one of the Erotic review's favourite columnists. Katie Kelly's aim is to titillate the mind and stimulate the body as never before. From kinky fiction to fetish photography; from touching love sonnets to the narration of ghostly, lecherous sailors, this is an erotic must-have. With more than 300 pages of rich, delightful rudeness, it's the best possible gift for lover or friend. A 240 page sexual kaleidoscope celebrating eroticism in all it's glorious diversity, this illustrated book covers everything from Anal to Auto-Sex. Like every good omnibus, there's something for everyone, with pictorial essays, arousing articles, saucy short stories, erotic crosswords, a complete exquisite novella and an Aesop's fable strictly for adults.

Nr. 84395517

Katie Kelly, Emily Ford - Katie Kelly's and Emily Ford's Pillow Book - 2002-2007

Katie Kelly, Emily Ford - Katie Kelly's and Emily Ford's Pillow Book - 2002-2007

Outrageous collection of rude stories and sensuous images selected by one of the Erotic review's favourite columnists. Katie Kelly's aim is to titillate the mind and stimulate the body as never before. From kinky fiction to fetish photography; from touching love sonnets to the narration of ghostly, lecherous sailors, this is an erotic must-have. With more than 300 pages of rich, delightful rudeness, it's the best possible gift for lover or friend.

A 240 page sexual kaleidoscope celebrating eroticism in all it's glorious diversity, this illustrated book covers everything from Anal to Auto-Sex. Like every good omnibus, there's something for everyone, with pictorial essays, arousing articles, saucy short stories, erotic crosswords, a complete exquisite novella and an Aesop's fable strictly for adults.

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