Nr. 83618461

two prints from Utagawa Hiroshige - 1970-90s - Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 (1797-1858) - Published by Nihon Ukiyoe Dōkōkai 日本浮世絵同好会 - Japonia
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two prints from Utagawa Hiroshige - 1970-90s - Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 (1797-1858) - Published by Nihon Ukiyoe Dōkōkai 日本浮世絵同好会 - Japonia

Good conditions. Description: Including two pieces of paintings, here is the name of each one. (The names are listed in order from left to right as shown in Figure 1) 1. Nihonbashi Bridge in the Snow 東都名所 日本橋雪中之景 The overall size: 48.5cm*25cm The main painting area: 35cm*12.5cm 2. Blue Bird and Roses ばらと瑠璃鳥 Attractive design of a blue bird perched on a flowering rose branch. The deep blue of the bird contrasts beautifully with the pink and rose of the blossoms and buds. A charming image with fine bokashi shading in the background. A fine Takamizawa reprint with publisher's seal on reverse. The overall size: 48.5cm*25cm The main painting area: 38.5cm*13.4cm Hiroshige Pillar Prints - Lovely Hiroshige design from a group of kacho-e (birds and flowers prints) and landscapes in the rare pillar print format. The long narrow format imposed different restrictions on Hiroshige's compositions, resulting in dynamic and creative depictions of familiar subjects. These charming scenes are nicely detailed and colored, and are a wonderful way to add a touch of nature to any decor. Each print comes tipped into a windowed folder for viewing, enclosed within an outer envelope. A great choice to collect or display. Takamizawa Reprints - Handsome reprint by the venerable Takamizawa publisher. Takamizawa was known as one of the finest reprint publishers of the 20th century, and produced some of the highest quality ukiyo-e woodblock reprints of all time. Drawing on the traditions and methods of the Edo era, the prints were produced replicating original Edo era colors and printed on beautiful handmade paper. The printers worked with the utmost care and great attention to detail, masterfully reproducing color and line work. All prints bear a "Takamizawa" seal on the reverse or in the margin attesting to the Takamizawa publication of these prints. A great opportunity to acquire a fine reprint of a classic ukiyo-e design. Author: Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川 広重 (1797 – 12 October 1858), was a Japanese Ukiyo-e artist, considered the last great master of that tradition. Hiroshige is best known for his horizontal-format landscape series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō and for his vertical-format landscape series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo. The subjects of his work were atypical of the ukiyo-e genre, whose typical focus was on beautiful women, popular actors, and other scenes of the urban pleasure districts of Japan's Edo period (1603–1868).

Nr. 83618461

two prints from Utagawa Hiroshige - 1970-90s - Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 (1797-1858) - Published by Nihon Ukiyoe Dōkōkai 日本浮世絵同好会 - Japonia

two prints from Utagawa Hiroshige - 1970-90s - Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重 (1797-1858) - Published by Nihon Ukiyoe Dōkōkai 日本浮世絵同好会 - Japonia

Good conditions.

Including two pieces of paintings, here is the name of each one. (The names are listed in order from left to right as shown in Figure 1)

1. Nihonbashi Bridge in the Snow 東都名所 日本橋雪中之景
The overall size: 48.5cm*25cm
The main painting area: 35cm*12.5cm

2. Blue Bird and Roses ばらと瑠璃鳥
Attractive design of a blue bird perched on a flowering rose branch. The deep blue of the bird contrasts beautifully with the pink and rose of the blossoms and buds. A charming image with fine bokashi shading in the background. A fine Takamizawa reprint with publisher's seal on reverse.
The overall size: 48.5cm*25cm
The main painting area: 38.5cm*13.4cm

Hiroshige Pillar Prints - Lovely Hiroshige design from a group of kacho-e (birds and flowers prints) and landscapes in the rare pillar print format. The long narrow format imposed different restrictions on Hiroshige's compositions, resulting in dynamic and creative depictions of familiar subjects. These charming scenes are nicely detailed and colored, and are a wonderful way to add a touch of nature to any decor. Each print comes tipped into a windowed folder for viewing, enclosed within an outer envelope. A great choice to collect or display.

Takamizawa Reprints - Handsome reprint by the venerable Takamizawa publisher. Takamizawa was known as one of the finest reprint publishers of the 20th century, and produced some of the highest quality ukiyo-e woodblock reprints of all time. Drawing on the traditions and methods of the Edo era, the prints were produced replicating original Edo era colors and printed on beautiful handmade paper. The printers worked with the utmost care and great attention to detail, masterfully reproducing color and line work. All prints bear a "Takamizawa" seal on the reverse or in the margin attesting to the Takamizawa publication of these prints. A great opportunity to acquire a fine reprint of a classic ukiyo-e design.

Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川 広重 (1797 – 12 October 1858), was a Japanese Ukiyo-e artist, considered the last great master of that tradition. Hiroshige is best known for his horizontal-format landscape series The Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō and for his vertical-format landscape series One Hundred Famous Views of Edo. The subjects of his work were atypical of the ukiyo-e genre, whose typical focus was on beautiful women, popular actors, and other scenes of the urban pleasure districts of Japan's Edo period (1603–1868).

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