Nr. 82535395

David Gerstein (1944) - Kiss
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97 €
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David Gerstein (1944) - Kiss

David Gerstein Born in Jerusalem, 1944. Studied and teached at the Bezalel Academy of arts in Jerusalem; Beaux Arts, Paris; Art Students' League, N.Y; St. Martin's, London. Exhibited in one-man shows at the Israel Museum, Haifa Museum and Herzeliya Museum, and at countless public and private galleries in Israel, Europe and America. His art is permemently Installed in cities and museums such as the Israel Museum, the Tefen Open Museum, The Science Museum in Jerusalem;the cities of Jerusalem, Ramat Hasharon, Lod,Herzeliyya and Ancient Avdat; the Jerusalem "David Gerstein's style is his own. There is a witty and restrained humor, an inexhaustible colorfulness, and an astonishing expressive power.." "Gerstein breaks the frame, the stylistic conventions, and of course the familiar structure of the thematic of art."

Nr. 82535395

David Gerstein (1944) - Kiss

David Gerstein (1944) - Kiss

David Gerstein Born in Jerusalem, 1944.
Studied and teached at the Bezalel Academy of arts in Jerusalem; Beaux Arts, Paris; Art Students' League, N.Y; St. Martin's, London.
Exhibited in one-man shows at the Israel Museum, Haifa Museum and Herzeliya Museum, and at countless public and private galleries in Israel, Europe and America.
His art is permemently Installed in cities and museums such as the Israel Museum, the Tefen Open Museum, The Science Museum in Jerusalem;the cities of Jerusalem, Ramat Hasharon, Lod,Herzeliyya and Ancient Avdat; the Jerusalem

"David Gerstein's style is his own. There is a witty and restrained humor, an inexhaustible colorfulness, and an astonishing expressive power.." "Gerstein breaks the frame, the stylistic conventions, and of course the familiar structure of the thematic of art."

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