Nr. 80473325

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Paweł Erazmus (1969) - The Fisherman
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Paweł Erazmus (1969) - The Fisherman

Paweł Erasmus He was born in 1969 in Stalowa Wola. A graduate of the High School of Fine Arts in Rzeszów. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, where he obtained his diploma in 1994 under the supervision of Professor Marian Konieczny. He creates bronze sculptures. He belongs to the Association of Polish Artists and the Society of Friends of Fine Arts in Krakow. His works can be found, among others, At the headquarters of the National Philharmonic in Warsaw, the Institute of National Remembrance, many enterprises and institutions, and in many private collections in Poland and abroad. Since 1991, he has presented his works at many exhibitions in Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Great Britain and the United States. Currently associated with Krakow.

Nr. 80473325

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Paweł Erazmus (1969) - The Fisherman

Paweł Erazmus (1969) - The Fisherman

Paweł Erasmus

He was born in 1969 in Stalowa Wola. A graduate of the High School of Fine Arts in Rzeszów. He studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, where he obtained his diploma in 1994 under the supervision of Professor Marian Konieczny. He creates bronze sculptures. He belongs to the Association of Polish Artists and the Society of Friends of Fine Arts in Krakow. His works can be found, among others, At the headquarters of the National Philharmonic in Warsaw, the Institute of National Remembrance, many enterprises and institutions, and in many private collections in Poland and abroad. Since 1991, he has presented his works at many exhibitions in Poland, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Great Britain and the United States. Currently associated with Krakow.

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