Nr. 80422183

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Amonit spinos uriaș și elegant - Cochilie fosilizată - Douvilleiceras - 17 cm
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Amonit spinos uriaș și elegant - Cochilie fosilizată - Douvilleiceras - 17 cm

Very large and thick spiny ammonite from the Cretaceous of Tulear, Madagascar. Exposed on a nice metal stand, this big heavy ammonite, show many interesting details: -iridescent conch is stil present -spines on the inner juvenile part -tubercles on the adult part. ammonite is 17 x 13 x 9 cm. Overall size is 23 cm high. The intrinsic beauty of this fossil and its presentation make it the perfect object to decorate any type of environment with class. NOTE. many of the spines are original( all those on the back side) and others are reconstructed( mainly in the front side). This fossil represents an example of elegance and refinement combined with a taste for culture and science.

Nr. 80422183

Nu mai este disponibil
Amonit spinos uriaș și elegant - Cochilie fosilizată - Douvilleiceras - 17 cm

Amonit spinos uriaș și elegant - Cochilie fosilizată - Douvilleiceras - 17 cm

Very large and thick spiny ammonite from the Cretaceous of Tulear, Madagascar.

Exposed on a nice metal stand, this big heavy ammonite, show many interesting details:

-iridescent conch is stil present
-spines on the inner juvenile part
-tubercles on the adult part.

ammonite is 17 x 13 x 9 cm.

Overall size is 23 cm high.

The intrinsic beauty of this fossil and its presentation make it the perfect object to decorate any type of environment with class.

NOTE. many of the spines are original( all those on the back side) and others are reconstructed( mainly in the front side).

This fossil represents an example of elegance and refinement combined with a taste for culture and science.

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